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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

I’m not sure how anyone else feels, but going back to school has been quite the adjustment for me. Switching from relaxing and going on fun vacations to grinding hours of school work is a hard pill to swallow. Along with the hardships academics bring, I also miss my home. I miss my family and my own room. I’ve gotten a bit homesick and sad heading back into college life. Here are some ways that have helped me through this transition that I hope others will find helpful and relatable.

spend time with friends

It’s been a while since I’ve seen my friends from college. We all live far from each other and have been very busy during the summer, so this is the perfect time to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. I’ve found that grabbing dinner with a someone, watching movies with the people in my building, or even chatting with my roommate between classes has gotten my mind off my back-to-school troubles.

Schedule calls with family

Making time to talk to your family may seem difficult with a busy schedule, but if you’re missing them, it makes your loved ones feel good to know that you’re thinking of them. Plus, it relieves you of any homesick feelings you may have! A quick call every week makes a big difference in making sure you don’t get burned out or bummed out the first few weeks of school.

break up your homework and study sessions

Never try to push yourself too hard when it comes to work. Overworking yourself can do some major damage on your mental health, especially if you already feel overwhelmed in the first weeks of the new semester. I would definitely recommend taking breaks for food or scrolling time between schoolwork. I am someone who always overloads when it comes to schoolwork, but I’ve found just a few to maybe thirty minutes worth of breaktime can help you plenty!

make time for youself!!

This is the most important one for me! Between school, parents, friends, and feelings, it’s hard to find yourself within all of that noise. I believe that at least an hour of “you time” will make this journey back to school a little lighter. Time for yourself is great on your mental health for your first semester back in the long run. Never blow off time for yourself; No matter how many things you feel you have to do for others, you should always put yourself first.

Zoe is a Psychology major with a Writing minor. She enjoys learning about human development, especially when it comes to child development. Zoe loves writing in her free time and creating stories. She wants to eventually be a Child Therapist/Psychologist and write on the side.