I love fitness. I am always curious to learn more and do more. I’ve always been really confused by the workouts geared towards men and the workouts geared towards women. IÂ understand that most women aren’t looking for a lot of muscle tone, but I personally like that aesthetic. For some areas of the body, like abs, a distinction between men and women workouts baffles me. I decided to try a week by week workout plan geared towards men for abs, called Ab Routine of the Ancients. If you want to try the routine for yourself, the link to the fitness model (Jon Skywalker) that I got the routine from is here. I’m not a big fan of the way he talks about women, but an effective ab workout is an effective ab workout. I committed to the program and added it into my regular fitness routine for three weeks. Here’s what I learned:
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.