Midterms week is upon us again guys! It’s everyone’s least favorite week (besides finals). Hopefully, these gifs will make you laugh and allow you to relax for a little bit!
1. When you review your notes and you realize that you actually haven’t learned anything all semester.
2. When your professor tells you that your midterm is all short answer/essay questions. (Yes, this happened to me this week. Pray for me y’all).
3. When you look at your syllabi and realize how many midterms you have to study for.
4. When your friends/roommates don’t have midterms.
5. When you remember that once midterms are over, fall break starts.
Bonus: When you manage to finish the midterm week with all of your limbs attached.
Good luck Captains, and don’t forget to take a breather! Study hard! I believe in you all!