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Why I’m Luke from Gilmore Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

So I think it’s fair to say that we Gilmore Girls fans have all found ways we relate to Lorelei and Rory. But as I get older, I find myself connecting more and more with our favorite coffee shop-running cynic Luke. He’s the reality check Stars Hollow sometimes needs, and as I get farther into my college career, here are some of the ways I relate to the wonderful grump that is Luke Danes:

When it’s just been one of those weeks.

Nothing seems to be going my way, the work is piling up, and if one more person asks if I’m okay, I might explode.

When you’re trying to have a conversation but they won’t stop texting.

Hey, my face is up here. You know, not on your phone screen.

When you have to hang out with someone you hate.

Yeah, pushing them in a lake seems like a great idea. Way to think, Luke.

When you try to take the mountain of groceries in in one trip.

Sure, I can do this. I just need maybe ten more hands…

When people ask you if you want kids.

Let me graduate college and then I’ll maybe think about dealing with jam hands.

When you try to console a friend.

I’m just not so great at the whole hugging thing.

Whenever that annoying person in class opens his or her mouth.

You just know something eye-roll worthy is coming your way.

The older I get, the more I think Luke Danes may be my spirit animal. 

FIrst I drink the coffee, then I do the things.