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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Coastal Carolina chapter.

Grocery shopping has never been something that people enjoy. I tend to always get distracted by the treats and cookies that I don’t need and the next thing I know the cart is full of what isn’t on my grocery list.  When this happens, and I get home and unpack my findings, I am appalled at my distracted and hungry shopping trip treasures. There are maybe two or three things that can be used to make healthy meals for the week but I know that I am going to go back to the store in the next two days to get food for the rest of the week. 


I get it, it’s the middle of February and we are already well into the new year. Starting resolutions this far into the year might seem a little out of place, but it is never too late to start something that can change your future. Eating healthy is a change that can be made and making food at home with your roommate(s), significant other, friends, and family can be a fun bonding activity that everyone is able to do together. 


Before COVID-19, I believed that meal-prep kits were meant for people who can’t cook or for individuals who were hermits and did not want to leave their homes. What I did not know is that in a few short months, I would become a hermit. The entire world would be full of hermits, mandated by the government due to the coronavirus. 


With the pandemic in full swing, and case numbers are on the rise, people, myself included, are trying to limit the amount of time spent in stores. Not only are we avoiding stores, but with all of the virtual meetings, it is difficult to find time to leave the house to go to the grocery store. 


I am sure other people have experienced this, but some days I just don’t have the energy to make myself look presentable enough to go to the grocery store. The number of times I have left the house in pajamas and prayed that I did not run into somebody that I know when I make a quick grocery store run is crazy. 


After making a trip to the grocery store four days one week and voting, my family decided to try a meal prep subscription service. Well, a few different services. 


The first service that we tried was Dinnerly. Followed by EveryPlate. Most recently we received our weekly box from Home Chef


Michelle is a student studying public health, psychology, and creative writing. She is hoping that through her writing she will spark joy and change in a world that is desperately in need of both.