Quarantine was rough for everyone, that’s a fact. When we left Colby, I was sent home to a parent sick with COVID-19, so for about six weeks I hardly left my room, my designated isolation space. Binging Netflix got old after a while, and I was too nervous to go out for a run in case I exposed someone (though, to be honest, I kind of liked the excuse not to run), so I turned to YouTube for some workout guidance. Here are three channels that my family, friends, and I turned to again and again during quarantine.
- Pamela Reif
A German model and food blogger turned workout-guru, I have to admit at first I was skeptical of Pamela’s channel. But then I started seeing results. Her workouts target specific muscle groups and are all nicely labeled like “Beginner Abs” or “Intense Booty Burn” so you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into. They range from 10 minutes to a half-hour, so you have plenty of options depending on your mood and time restraints. I did one of her ab workouts every day all of quarantine, and I swear I started to get noticeable abs (maybe? I think? Let’s say I did). After every session, I felt like I had made significant progress. I looked forward to the soreness I would feel the next morning because I knew that meant the workouts were effective. Check out her channel here.
- Chloe Ting
If you’re on Tik Tok, you’ve definitely heard of Chloe Ting. Her “Two Week Shred Challenge” gained skyscraping popularity on the app during quarantine, earning her YouTube channel many loyal followers. Even if you’re not on Tik Tok, like me (I know, I’m lame), odds are you’ve still heard of her and her butt-kicking power sessions. I had so many friends try the challenge over quarantine, and they were all really happy with the results. One told me that while she didn’t get the shredded physique as advertised, she did feel stronger and more toned, and was overall proud of herself for following it through to the end. Check out her channel here.
- Yoga with Adriene
Stretching is just as important, if not more important, than the workout itself (though maybe that is the dancer in me talking). Yoga is a great way to stretch out sore muscles while also increasing flexibility, muscle tone, and cardio health. My mom, a self-proclaimed yogi, claims that Adriene’s channel is the best. She has videos for all levels and desired outcomes, like strength, relaxation, and heart health. I have spinal issues which sometimes makes yoga tough, so I personally love that Adriene has a “Yoga for Back Pain” section. I felt like my specific yoga needs were being met while still benefiting from a full class. Check out her channel here.
Now that we’re back into the craziness of our school routines, it may be hard to find the time to exercise. If you don’t feel like trekking out to the new AC (though I recommend it, it’s beautiful), give one of these channels a try!