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The 8 Things We Go Through When We Watch Our Fave Show

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

We all do it. We all love it. We all prioritize it over work (oops). What’s the “it” I’m talking about here? Watching our favorite TV show, of course. Whether it’s binge-watching “Gossip Girl” all over again or starting a new show like “Narcos”, it’s a favorite past time of many college women. I don’t know about you, but here’s what I go through when I watch my favorite show (which is “Criminal Minds” at the moment):

1. When you realize you have time to watch your show and you feel that surge of joy that only comes at this very moment.


2. The excitement, but also impatience, you feel when you see that red circle move round and round on your Netflix– it’s loading!!!


3. The calmness that washes over you when your show finally starts.


4. That moment when you reach for your phone to scroll through Facebook, but something HUGE happens in your show and you throw your phone across the room.


5. When your show is over and you know you shouldn’t watch another episode, but you just can’t help yourself.


6. When Netflix asks you if you’re still watching…


7. When you finally drag yourself out of bed and enter back into the real world, but all you can think about is how badly you want to go back to your show.


8. And then you give in and go back to your bed. And it starts all over again.



Carli Jaff is a senior at Colby with a double major in American Studies and Education. Outside of classes and being a CC for Her Campus Colby, she is the Managing Editor of the school newspaper, a writing tutor at the college writers' center, a research assistant for the Head of the Education department, and a co-chair of Colby's Senior Pledge Committee. Carli is very excited to work for Her Campus Colby and share her love for college with you all!