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Colby Dining Halls: Decoded

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

As Colby students we make countless decisions each day – from picking out an outfit in the morning, to choosing which test to study for in the afternoon, we are constantly considering our options and planning our days. Among this constant slew of daily choices is deciding where to eat; after all, not only is this a decision we make three times a day, everyday, but by now you’ve probably experienced that dreaded moment standing in Foss scanning your options, regretting your meal swipe two minutes earlier. Of course you can avoid this situation altogether by looking at the menus online, but just in case you forget or don’t have the time, each of the 3 dining halls’ food is actually pretty predictable.

1. Dana
On your visit to Colby, your tour guide likely described Dana as the dining hall with comfort food. After being here for just over a month, I’d say it’s a pretty accurate description. In Dana, you can depend on a variety of simple and classic options.

Breakfast: Cereal, toast, pancakes, fruit, waffles, and donuts every other Thursday
Lunch: Sandwiches, pizza, soup, and salad
Dinner: Pizza, pasta, salad, soup, and grilled and international dishes
Personal Favorite: Waffles for Sunday brunch. Not only are they delicious but there’s definitely something special about having your waffle cooked right in front of you and for getting to choose your own toppings.

Bottom Line: Although Dana’s menu might seem repetitive, each dish tends to differ slightly depending on the day, making for a more refreshing list of options; while Monday’s lunch may be pasta primavera, Tuesday’s might be pasta with chicken and ricotta cheese. If you want a reliably good, classic college meal, Dana is the place to go.

P.S. – Look out for Pam when you walk in – she’s always excited to see everyone, and a friendly hello adds a nice touch to any meal!

2. Bobs:
Almost every upperclassman that I’ve talked to raves about breakfasts at Bob’s. Lunch and dinner tend to be similar to Dana, with some fancier and more exotic dishes.

Breakfast: Fruit (especially good selection), eggs (very popular), oatmeal, toast, donuts every other Thursday
Lunch: Sandwiches, soup, salad, flatbreads, fish, rice
Dinner: Salad, chicken, rice, soup, and pasta
Personal Favorite: Peanut Butter Melt Bar. There’s nothing like having dessert for lunch; although I was initially skeptical about such a sweet sandwich (peanut butter, chocolate, coconut), the German Chocolate Peanut Butter Melt was probably my favorite meal at Colby. Unfortunately, Bob’s rarely serves them. Still, whenever they do, almost everyone who misses out wishes their friends had told them in advance.

Bottom Line: Bob’s is a fairly safe choice; even if you don’t like some of the fancier dishes (i.e. salmon), you can always rely on a simple sandwich or salad.

The most specialized out of the three, Foss seems to be very popular among some students and very unpopular among others. While vegetarians and vegans relish in the tofu and meatless options, others enjoy a sometimes-needed change of pace with more exotic, Asian options. Still, others complain about Foss’ spicy dishes and small portions.

Breakfast: Closed
Lunch: Wraps, Asian Fusion, soup, and salad
Dinner: Soup, salad, rice, specialty salad/pasta (i.e. corn salad)
Personal Favorite: Desserts. Although I must admit that I’m not a big fan of Foss, the desserts are better than anywhere else. The brownies, bars, and cookies are almost always flavorful and filling.

Bottom Line: Foss can be hit or miss and the options tend to vary (from international dishes to pizza), so it’s a good idea to check the menu ahead of time. Still, you’re likely to always find something simple (i.e. salad), if the other options don’t sound good to you.

While all of the dining halls differ in style, taste, and number of options, you are likely to find at least one thing you like at any of them. It’s a good idea to try all three if you haven’t done so – you could be missing out on something you love. It’s also always a good idea to go to different places once in a while (yes, I will go to Foss again eventually, even though it’s not my favorite!); no matter how much you may love the pizza at Dana, after a while, you’re likely to get sick of it. Finally, don’t be afraid to try something new; after all, you can still go and get another plate!


Brett is a senior at Colby College. She is an international studies and anthropology double major, and spent her first semester of college in Dijon, France.  She enjoys writing, traveling, Gossip Girl, and Thai food. Already having interned at fashion designers and magazines, she is excited to contribute to Her Campus! She is also a certified personal trainer and loves working out.