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How To Avoid the Colby Plague

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.


Fall and winter in Maine are, and have always been, sick seasons for everyone. This year, the 
cold circulating around the Hill this fall has been dubbed “the Plague.” 
With the combination of midterm stress, the dropping temperature, and anxiously awaiting the 
arrival of Fall Break, it’s difficult not to catch this common cold. However, here are a few tips to 
avoid the Plague. 
1. Warmth: Sweaters, boots, hot chocolate, apple cider. You name it: warmth keeps life 
better on a chilly autumn day in Maine. People may not actually “catch cold,” but 
keeping yourself toasty and comfortable certainly helps! 
2. Sleep: The famous college cure-all. Colby even has a club – the Colby Napping Club –
dedicated to sleep. Keeping yourself well-rested and away from exhaustion, especially 
during midterms, is a great way to make sure you don’t get sick! 
3. Keep Calm (and Carry On): Midterms can be stressful. College itself can be stressful. So 
many negative things are directly caused by stress, including the Plague. The best way to 
avoid this cold is to keep yourself relaxed throughout October, whether it be with comfort 
food, Netflix binges, or time with your friends. 
For those of us – including yours truly – who have already failed at dodging the cold, here are 
some ways to get better quick!
1. Warmth: This may be a repeat, but it helps on both ends. Keep yourself cozy with warm 
drinks, sweaters, and flannels, and you’ll be on the mend right away. 
2. SLEEP: Sound familiar? Illness hates nothing more than someone who gets enough time 
in bed every night. 
3. Take Care of Yourself: This can be difficult in college, particularly when the exams and 
papers start to pile into a stack on top of one another and you feel the need to skip meals, 
skip sleep, and spend every waking hour in Miller. Yet everything turns out for the better 
when you just take care of yourself. Space out your work and put aside “me time” in your 
busy daily schedule. After all, YOU and your health should be number one on your list of 
Good luck on midterms everyone, and have a relaxing Fall Break! 
Natalie Jones is a first year at Colby College from Northern Maine. She hasn't declared yet, but is leaning towards a Double Major in Psychology and English. When not in class she mentors for CCAK, watches copious amounts of television, and of course writes and edits for Her Campus Colby.
Carli Jaff is a senior at Colby with a double major in American Studies and Education. Outside of classes and being a CC for Her Campus Colby, she is the Managing Editor of the school newspaper, a writing tutor at the college writers' center, a research assistant for the Head of the Education department, and a co-chair of Colby's Senior Pledge Committee. Carli is very excited to work for Her Campus Colby and share her love for college with you all!