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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

Jason leads all of the NESCAC baseball players in batting average (.480 as of 4/18/12) and is in the top five for both stolen bases (10) and homeruns (4). And he’s a freshman. If that’s not cute, I don’t know what is.
Year: 2015                           
Dorm:  East
Major: Economics
Favoritedining hall: Dana
Hometown: Methuen, Ma
Relationship status: Single
Three things you can’t live without:Buff Chick, Music, Gatorade
Interests: Football, Baseball and drinking water.
Favorite movie: The Hangover
Favorite song: “Wolfpack Party” (the walkup song)
Favorite professional athlete: Brian Dawkins
Favorite book: The Great Gatsby
What do you do on campus?
Football in the fall, drinking lots of water during Jan Plan and baseball in the spring. Also, you can find me pretending to do homework on the first floor of the library.
What’s one girl trend you don’t understand?
Easily those weird beach hats (fedoras?) Oh and jean jackets. The jean jacket for girls is like the jorts for guys.
What do you look for in a girl?
I definitely look for a girl with a good sense of humor. If she’s not funny it can be awkward. I also look for the “real” factor. Not too nice and not too mean, a good balance. Lastly, if she’s athletic it’s always a bonus.
What’s your favorite pick-up line?
Ummm ya hi. Or.  Hey what’s going on they call me “Bigplaybuco.”
What moment at Colby would you most want to hide from your kids?
I’m going to hide last weekend. I don’t think I was very nice.
If you had to be handcuffed to one person at Colby for the rest of your life, who would it be and why?
Gabe Salzer. Great guy, has some great insights on life.
If somebody wrote a biography about you, what should the title be?
What’s your ideal party theme, and what would you wear to it?
Let’s go with beach theme, and yes I would wear a bathing suit.
What’s the best thing that your mom does for you?
Hard to pick one, but waking up to Dunkin Donuts next to my bed is always nice.
What’s the worst thing about being a freshman boy? The best thing?
The worst thing is trying to convince sophomore girls that they’re not any cooler than I am. The best thing is making stupid mistakes that have nothing to do with being a freshman and then playing the “Oh well I am a freshman I didn’t know” card.
How did your first kiss go down?
Classic movie date, once I got the arm over the shoulder move in, I knew the future was looking bright.
What was your favorite childhood game to play?
For some reason I’m thinking of board games, and I know I could never say no to a game of chutes and ladders.
What’s your favorite study spot?
2nd floor of the Library.
Describe Colby in 1 word…
How excited are you to be campus cutie this week?
Secretly excited, but I’m a little disappointed about the quality of some of the members chosen before me (Connor Emmert). It kind of takes away from the campus cutie prestige.

Eliza hails from Cambridge, MA. She is a senior English major with a concentration in creative writing at Colby College. She has been working with Her Campus Colby since it launched. At Colby, she is also mentors a little girl twice a week and cooks at the Mid Maine Homeless Shelter. She knows more about sports than most boys-- especially Boston sports-- her one true love. But she also has a passion for classic literature, fashion, and modern art.
Brett is a senior at Colby College. She is an international studies and anthropology double major, and spent her first semester of college in Dijon, France.  She enjoys writing, traveling, Gossip Girl, and Thai food. Already having interned at fashion designers and magazines, she is excited to contribute to Her Campus! She is also a certified personal trainer and loves working out.