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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.


Year: 2015

Dorm: Pierce

Favorite Dining Hall: Bob’s

Major: Behavioral Business

Hometown: Upper Saddle River, NJ

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Three Things You Can’t Live Without: My fo-hawk, pink backpack, sleeping mask.

Interests:  Sports, Friends, Family, Music, Sleeping.

Favorite Movie: The Prestige

Favorite Song: Name- Goo Goo Dolls

Favorite Professional Hockey Player: Pavel Datsyuk

What do you do on campus?

Be Creepy.

What’s one girl trend you don’t understand?

Going to class or the dining hall after you work out without showering.

What do you look for in a girl? How about a deal breaker?

Someone with a fun personality, great sense of humor, and is sexy like a chocolate strawberry.

Deal Breaker:

Someone who gets jealous easily.

Being bread from The Great Jers, which Jersey Shore member would you be?

Pauly D.

If you could be any article of J.Crew clothing, what would you be?

J. Crew Boxers. They’re silky smooth and quite breezy.

Speaking of J.Crew, how did the application process go?

That’s a sensitive subject.

Would you rather sit in a comfy chair and watch movies all day or go to Joe’s Bar and Grill and get clam chowder?

Sit in a comfy chair all day and watch movies while eating Joes Bar and grill clam chowder.

What’s one thing about Colby that you wish you could change?

Dining halls open late night.

Who on the hockey team would you be hand cuffed to forever?

Ray Zeek. He’s a babe and just a great guy all around.

What is your game day ritual?

I refuse to speak to anyone. I’m not kidding…

Would you rather dine out or cook your date dinner?

Definitely cook my date dinner. Girls love a guy who can cook.

How often do you take the garbage out in your room?

Every Day. Ray Zeek hasn’t taken it out once this year.

Blonde, brunette, or redhead?

At once?

What is your favorite feature?

Nothing sexier than a girl with a great smile.

Have you and your teammates ever used a balloon to write your numbers on to pick up girls?

Does a bear shit in the woods?

On your 7 hour drive back to NJ, would you rather listen to Ray Zeek rap or perfect your synchronized dance to “Ships In The Night” with Zeeker?

Ships in the Night. Nothing gets me going like a little Matt Kearney.

Are you a beach house or lake house type of guys?

Beach House.

How would you rate your dance moves? Scale: 1 being mediocre and 10 being exceptional.

Absolutely a 10. No one compares on the dance floor. Ask anyone.

People who know you best would say that you are…

Really hairy.

This weekend at Club Pipe, I will be….

Mr. S back in action. Watch out ladies.

Describe the hockey team in 3 words…

Studs That Score.                                                                             

What do you foreshadow for the hockey team’s arrival in Cancun for spring break?

What happens in Cancun stays in Cancun.


Brett is a senior at Colby College. She is an international studies and anthropology double major, and spent her first semester of college in Dijon, France.  She enjoys writing, traveling, Gossip Girl, and Thai food. Already having interned at fashion designers and magazines, she is excited to contribute to Her Campus! She is also a certified personal trainer and loves working out.