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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.


Class Year: 2013

Major: Sociology

Dorm: Coburn

Favorite Dining Hall: Bobs

Where are you from?

Bethesda, Maryland, which is a suburb right outside Washington, D.C.

How’d you end up at Colby?

I knew I wanted a small school somewhere relatively close to home but far away enough to experience a new part of the country. I looked at a few of the NESCACs and Colby was actually the last one I visited. I loved it and ended up applying early decision.

What do you do on campus?

I’m the editor-in-chief of The Colby Echo, which has been a great experience. I’ve been writing since my first year at Colby and love putting the paper together.

What’s the biggest news story you’ve been able to cover?

Let’s just say it involved scandal.

Do you get any perks being the editor-in-chief?

Working with an awesome staff? That’s a shoutout to you, Maddie. But, sitting next to Bob Woodward at the Lovejoy Award dinner this fall was pretty cool.

Do you hope to stay in journalism in the future?

Yes, I’m definitely going to be looking at jobs in the journalism/communications/PR field. I spent last summer interning at PARADE Magazine in New York City and had a great time.

Speaking of the future, what do you think you’ll miss most about college once you’ve entered the “real world?”

I’ll definitely miss the people I’ve met over the years and being on a gorgeous campus. Clichés aside, I’m going to miss living so close to my friends, pub/bar nights and the Echo office.

What was your most memorable experience during your four years at Colby?

Studying abroad was so much fun. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go, but I’m so glad I did. I spent the spring semester in Edinburgh, Scotland last year.

Any advice for freshmen?

Everyone’s going to tell you that four years go by fast, but they do! I guess I would say to join the Echo…but obviously I’m biased. But, I’d definitely recommend getting involved in something you love, meeting as many people as possible and taking advantage of everything that our campus has to offer. Even though we’re not in a big city, there’s always something going on here.

Do you have anything on your bucket list for your last semester?

Well, I guess I could name a few appropriate for publication: finish putting together the Echo before 12 a.m., name a drink at the pub and sing Karaoke at Mainley’s at least one more time. 

Gillian graduated from The Winsor School in Boston, MA in 2012 and is now a member of the class of 2016 at Colby College.