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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.


Major: Philosophy and Psychology

What do you do on campus?

I’m on the track team, throw javelin, a research assistant in the Psychology department, a student technical trainer in the ITS department, president of Gentlemen of Quality, president of the Student Alumni Association, student representative on the alumni council executive board, member of Students Organized for Black and Hispanic Unity, member of the Men of Color Alliance, and a member of the Arts and Humanities Student Advisory Board.

Describe your path to Colby:

I’m from the Bronx, NY and went to high school in Madison, CT. In high school, Colby College sent me something in the mail, and I threw it in the trash when I saw that it was in Maine; I was supposed to be at a medium to big school somewhere warm. My college coordinator told me to put it on my college list, so it stayed on the list. It was a nice enough place and a good small liberal arts education.

Who is your favorite Colby professor?

Psychology Professor Soto, Philosophy Professors Gordon and Behuniak, and Music Professor Thomas.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I’m an avid eater (food is the key to my heart) and I’m addicted to chocolate chip cookies.

What has been your most rewarding experience at Colby?

On a more serious note, my freshman year I did badly and failed by my academic standards. Having my academic skill and rigor called into question made me motivated to prove myself and consciously focus on my goals and my future.

What’s on your bucket list for your last semester at Colby?

I have a main to do list, a Colby to do list, I’ll share some of the things:

I want to get invited to Bro’s house, go skiing, see a moose (I haven’t seen one and thought this was moose country!), spend the weekend in Portland, simply to get to know all of my classmates and to meet more random, interesting Mainers (so you know, drive around in cabs and talk to cab drivers). Also on my to-do list is to concoct ingredients for a knee-buckling, orgasmic macaroni and cheese.

Where do you see yourself in a year?

I’m looking for job, but I’m not sure what (I’m open to recommendations).  I’m open to anything from psychology research to legal studies, to exotic dancing.

How about in 5 years?

Law school.

10 years?

Discovered as some important person.

20 years?

I want to know a lot of famous people. I don’t have to be famous, but I want to know famous people. My goal is to be well known amongst famous people, maybe an entertainment lawyer.

Which celebrities do you admire?

Will Smith, I have a fantasy to be an actor one day – I don’t know how it will happen. Also, Michelle Obama and Dave Chappelle – just really smart and funny people.

What will you miss most about Colby after graduating?

Pam and Dana – that’s kind of a joke but not really. The food is not bad – to have all this food. I’ll miss Quesadillas in the spa.

Gillian graduated from The Winsor School in Boston, MA in 2012 and is now a member of the class of 2016 at Colby College.