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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

Name: Callum O’Boyle School: University of Leeds Major: Geography Hometown: London Relationship Status: Single

You can usually find me… Edward Boyle Library (Level 12) [pagebreak]

Name: Sean Cochran School/Year: Indiana University ’13 Hometown: New Palestine, Indiana Age: 21 Relationship Status: Single

People know me as: “The Coch”

What is your major and what are your career goals? Biology BS, applying to Medical school this summer

What are you involved in on campus? I’m involved in my fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi, and the Indiana University Dance Marathon.

Favorite thing about IU: I love everything (who doesn’t?), but I’d have to say the Dance Marathon. Nothing else has had a bigger impact on my life.

I like a girl who knows how to: Cliche, but hold a conversation and make me laugh.

But I can’t stand when they: Are too drunk. Nothing more annoying.

One thing most people don’t know about me is: I’m a pretty big geek.

Accomplishment I’m most proud of: Surviving 3 years of college with relative success.

Beer or Whiskey? Beer!… Then Whiskey later.

KOK or Sports? Roy’s for sure

Pizza X or Mother Bears? Mother Bears

Most romantic thing I’ve done for a girl: Oh man… Probably either walk a girl home that lived two hours away or get a girl the same number of roses that it had been since we last saw each other.

My idea of a perfect date is: A nice dinner where we could talk, some drinks, and go out on the town.

What I miss most about the 4th grade is: No chemistry!

One thing I want to do before I graduate is: Open to Close at Roy’s [pagebreak]

Name: Michael Sciaccotta School/Year: University of Iowa ’13 Major/Minor: Political Science, Pre Law & Double Minor Italian and English Hometown: Barrington, IL Age: 20

Nickname: Sciacooter

Height: 5′ 6″

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Campus Activities: Sigma Chi Fraternity

Favorite Music: Anything that bumps, but lately Techno/House

Favorite TV show(s): Sportcenter, Swamp People, Entourage, BoardWalk Empire

Favorite type of pizza: Cheese

My friends make fun of me for… Being Italian (They’re jealous)

The first thing I notice about a girl (be honest) is.. Their smile

I’m completely terrified of… Giant Spiders

What is your guilty pleasure? Dairy Queen

How would you describe your style? Jaw dropping, Iconic, and too hot to handle

What is your biggest pet peeve? Negativity

Which actor would play you in a movie about your life? Brad Pitt, duh

If you were a type of alcohol, what would you be and why? Johnny Walker Blue Label because I belone on the top shelf and am worth savoring. [pagebreak]

Name: Chris Pinchot School/Year: Ohio University/Freshman Major: Fine Arts (soon changing to Visual Communication) Age: 19 Relationship Status: Single

Why you chose OU: I chose OU because of the beautiful campus, and the Viscom program.

Favorite Place at OU: The Frontroom coffee shop

Hobbies: Videography, Photography, Playing with cats and Singing in the dorm showers.

What You Want to do After You Graduate: After I graduate, I plan on traveling. [pagebreak]

Name: Bradley Martin School/Year: Colgate University ’12 Major: Mathematical Economics Hometown: Saratoga Springs, NY Relationship Status: Not in a relationship

What do you do on campus?: Co-President of Colleges Against Cancer, Brother of Phi Kappa Tau, Latin tutor

Where is your favorite place on campus?: Trudy

3 words to describe yourself: Proud to be

3 fun facts: I was born in Kansas, I learned to ski when I was 2 years old, I know the words to the National Anthem

Who’s your celebrity crush?: a tie between Chloe Kardashian and Jennifer Love Hewitt

What do you find attractive in a girl?: athleticism

Any turn offs?: vegetarians [pagebreak]

Name: Jay Stephens School/Year: Purdue University ’13 Major: Political Science/ Mass Communication Hometown: Gainesville, Georgia Relationship Status: Single

Activities: Pre-Law Society President, National Society of Leadership, Delta Upsilon Fraternity

Interests: Writing Music, Performing, Working Out

Congratulations on being crowned Zeta Tau Alpha’s 2012 Big Man on Campus! How does it feel to be BMOC? It feels absolutely incredible. I’ve dreamt of being a part of BMOC since my freshman year here at Purdue, so just having the opportunity to be a contestant was an honor. But actually being crowned this year’s BMOC is probably the best feeling I have ever had.

What did you do for your talent in the Big Man on Campus pageant? I sang an acoustic version of Coldplay’s “Fix You,” along with a hip hop dance and step routine.

What made you decide to be Delta Upsilon’s contestant for BMOC? I wanted to become Delta Upsilon’s contestant because I wanted to help in any way possible to rebuild our house. I am extremely dedicated to anything I am a part of, and I knew that if given the opportunity to represent my fraternity, I would give it 100 percent.

What was your favorite part of participating in BMOC? Having the opportunity to meet all the contestants was definitely my favorite part; the time that we all spent together during the skip-a-meals and preparing for our performances allowed us to bond. I have built some great friendships with the other contestants, and we will definitely stay in touch.

What is one thing about you that people find surprising? Probably that I love to perform and write music. It has been a passion of mine since childhood, but most people that know me now would have never guessed.

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Why? It would be awesome to have the superpower of making dreams come true. There are so many talented people out there who just need one opportunity to show the world their skills, but never get the opportunity. If I had the opportunity to somehow make those individuals known to the right people, the world could be changed forever.

What would be your ideal date? My ideal date would probably be with someone who knows nothing about what I’ve accomplished or isn’t too busy staring at my arms while I’m trying to have a conversation with them. They would be more interested in knowing who I am internally rather than what they can already see on the outside. [pagebreak]

Name: Rory Gibson School: University of Leeds Major: Economics Hometown: Newcastle Age: 20

You can usually find me… frequenting local drinking establishments and pizza joints or playing sport. [pagebreak]

Name: Garrett Riggs Ancey School/Year: Southern Methodist University ’13 Major: Markets and Culture Hometown: Morristown, NJ Relationship Status: Taken

Hobbies: Riding a bike, snowboarding

Celebrity Crush: Taylor Swift

Biggest turn off when it comes to girls: Bad teeth and bad breath

Most Embarrassing Moment: Flipped over my handle bars in the middle of campus one time. [pagebreak]

Name: Gus Santos School/Year: Tufts University ’15 Major: Architecture Hometown: Framingham, MA Relationship Status: Single

Do you play any sports? Soccer

What’s your favorite food? Brazi Food

What did you want to be when you were younger? An adult.

What’s your favorite movie? Gladiator was chill, dude.

What’s your favorite band or type of music? I am open to all types of music.

What are you afraid of? When Peter gets drunk and has scary evil stares. He gets very strong… A drunk Hulk.

What’s your ideal superpower? Invisibility, so I can avoid awkward situations

If you were an animal, which one would you be? I’m a baboon, definitely… I tend to be crazy.

What do you look for in a companion (male or female)?  Anyone who resembles a Victoria Secret model will work for me… I’m a simple man.

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Gummy bears on anything and I will eat it.

What’s your favorite thing about Tufts? E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G (and ZETA PSI!) [pagebreak]

Name: Reid Harrison School/Year: Southern Miss ’12 Major: I’m studying Nursing, but I plan to go on to Physical Therapy school. Hometown: Clinton, MS Relationship Status: Single

Interests: Sigma Phi Epsilon, reading, eating, listening to music, sports, and going to the gym

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Celebrity crush: Jessica Alba

Perfect first date: My perfect date would be something casual like cooking dinner or going to a movie. I would want to do something where we could talk, and I could get to know her.

What impresses you most about a girl when you first meet her: Her smile, how she carries herself in public, and if she can keep a conversation(not trashy)

Favorite Pick Up line: I don’t really use pick-up lines. I just go with the flow.

Biggest turn off in a girl: My biggest turn off is when she is conceited and superficial.

Three Words that describe you: introspective, athletic, outgoing

Most likely spotted at: the Frat house and Payne Center [pagebreak]

Name: Peter Holst-Grubbe School/Year: Barnard College/Senior Hometown: Torrington, CT Relationship Status: In a relationship

On-Campus Activities: Sigma Chi, Kingsmen, and SSSenior Night (that counts, right? It should.)

Off-Campus Activities: A lot of fly fishing – I’m the idiot you’ll see trying to fish in the Central Park pond.

Most awkward experience on campus: Based solely on her attire and having never spoken to the girl before, asking her “Going to the White Trash Bash tonight?” and her saying “No?” I just walked away.

The color that you think best fits your personality and why?  Blue—strong, but not overwhelming (I hope).

Favorite pastime: Watching the game on a flat screen (and then dying a little bit inside when the Patriots lose to the Giants a second time).

Most romantic date you ever planned: Batting cages, go-carts and mini golf.  Hey, I just threw the idea out there.  How am I supposed to say no when she actually WANTED to go?  There’s nothing better!

If you could time travel, what era would you choose and why?  End of the 18th century- I could definitely dance back then without feeling super goofy.

What TV sitcom character are you most similar to? Marshall from How I Met Your Mother, but I can do a decent Peter/Stewie/Quagmire/Cleveland impression from Family Guy.

One thing you should never say to a girl: Any sentence with the words “you” “lose” and “weight” in it.  Any combination.  At all.  It just ends poorly.

City you most want to visit in the US and why? Honolulu.  For the last seven years I’ve lied on Facebook saying I was from there because it sounds better than Torrington, CT.  True story.

Most adventurous thing you have ever done? Trip to the Dominican Republic in June.  Gotta love that SPF 70!

Who’s the hottest of the girls in Mean Girls? Regina George DUH

Favorite season? Football season

What do you want to do post-college?  Get rich or die tryin’! …nah but really I will have student loans to pay off…

Biggest turn off?  Girls who don’t like dogs.  Really, it’s just not going to work out. [pagebreak]

Name: Jonny Mydra School/Year: University of Minnesota Twin Cities/Sophmore Major: Finance Hometown: Minnetonka, Minnesota Relationship Status: Single

Interesting Fact: I will be studying abroad in Sweden spring semester.

Favorite Sports Team: Miami Heat

Favorite thing about the University of Minnesota: The city atmosphere and the cute girls.

Dream job: President of the United States

Favorite restaurant: Jimmy Johns

Celeb crush: Kate Upton or Lucy Hale

Favorite movie: Knowing Aaron

Favorite song: Heart of the City – Jay Z [pagebreak]

Name: Devin Brooks School/Year: Vanderbilt University ’13 Major: Computer Engineering Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee

Celebrity Crush:  Gabrielle Union

Future Goals: I plan to go to grad school somewhere in California and earn an MS degree in Computer Science. My dream job is to be my own CEO. What are you involved in on campus: National Society of Black Engineers, Voices of Praise, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated and I served as a Resident Advisor in Towers.

Best memory from Vanderbilt: When I became a member of my fraternity.

Most embarrassing moment: In elementary school I dumped my girlfriend for Britney Spears.

What do you look for in a girl: For me, personality is key and staying true to yourself are two big things I like. She has to have a sense of humor and be a little goofy.

How can a girl get your attention: Just be yourself because I like to get to know a girl personally, before pursuing anything. Hobbies: I enjoy playing piano, playing basketball, and chilling with friends.

Celebrity Look-A-Likes: Soulja Boy and Michael Jackson (teenage years) [pagebreak]

Name: Sam Williams School/Year: Tufts University ’15 Major: Undecided Hometown: Tetford, VT Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle, LADIES COME AT ME .

Do you play any sports? Soccer

What’s your favorite food? I’d say I’m more of a snack guy than a food guy.. SNACKS ON SNACKS ON SNACKS.

What did you want to be when you were younger? Supermodel for Polo Underwear.

What’s your favorite movie? Action Movies. Anchor Man might beat those though.

What’s your favorite band or type of music? Kanye West.  What are you afraid of? I’m afraid of Hedges.

What’s your ideal superpower? Teleportation.  If you were an animal, which one would you be? Eagle.

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Ben and Jerry’s.

What’s your favorite thing about Tufts?  The Lovely Ladies, and the Chill Bros. [pagebreak]

Name: Joe Armentrout School/Year: Towson University ’13 Major: Biology Relationship Status: Single

Favorite place to eat off-campus: Pizans!

What do you do for fun around campus: I enjoy the time with my boys and people watching! Honestly, I’m a 20 year old college student and there is nothing I don’t do on-campus!

Favorite music: I enjoy a little bit of everything.  Music is universal!

Favorite movie: Perfect Storm and Casablanca, oh yeah I said it.

Any talents you may have: Come over and find out!

What do you look for in a girl: Someone who is independent, fun, and easy to chill with.

Anything else you would like Her Campus Towson to know: Yolo!!! [pagebreak]

Name: Shane Mikesky SchoolYear: Purdue University ’15 Major: Movement and Sport Sciences Hometown: Zionsville, IN Relationship Status: Single

Activities: Football and track

Interests: Cars and guitars

Where is your favorite place to eat on campus? Chipotle.

What is your biggest pet peeve about girls? When they wear giant sunglasses that cover up 3/4 of their face.

Worst party conversation ever? There is no such thing, every party conversation is good.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? Going in for a kiss with a girl and accidentally elbowing her in the face…and then missing her lips.

What is the one thing girls do that completely baffles you? Thinking that tights and a t-shirt is “fully clothed.”

What’s on your Purdue bucket list? Dressing up for Breakfast Club just once.

Last song you listened to? “Bait A Hook” by Justin Moore.

What is your ideal date? When the girl takes me out.

Where do you see yourself in ten years? Anywhere in Texas.

Worst encounter with a girl? Thinking it would be funny to ask for a waitress’s number for a buddy of mine while he was sitting next to me and trying to embarrass him, and then proceeding to get reemed out by the waitress for her not thinking it was a funny joke, while the rest of the customers at the restaurant just kind of stared and watched. I ended up doubling her tip. [pagebreak]

Name: Alex Serio School/Year: Virginia Commonwealth University/Junior Major: Business Information Systems Hometown: Yorktown, VA Relationship Status: Single

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Favorite Color: Silver

What do you like to do for fun? Lacrosse, obstacle racing, snowboarding, fishing, and going to the gym. Other than that, really anything that I haven’t done before that keeps me feeling alive or keeps my body in top physical condition. On the other hand, I actually love to do virtually anything you could imagine an overweight 40 year old would do in his mother’s basement; I’m a huge closet nerd!

What is your favorite type of music? Rock, Metal, EDM

What is your favorite food? Steak (medium rare)

What is your favorite movie? Insidious or Act of Valor

What T.V. shows do you watch? I usually watch Major League Lacrosse and literally everything on Discovery Channel. I have to have my Fox News too!

Who are some of your celebrity crushes and why? Mila Kunis, she literally has my personality beyond being drop dead gorgeous. Kat Von D, its kind of a quirky thing. There are next to zero girls who can pull off tattoos like she can.

What is your type of girl? I could never really restrict it to a certain type. She has to never be willing to back down from something new at least once, sincerely wants me to be a part of what she loves to do while wanting the absolute best for me as well. She has to have a mix of an easy-going and confident personality. She has to understand that flaws are perfection.

How would you describe the perfect date? Wandering a city or a beach for hours in the middle of the night — after the dinner I made (of course). The best time to get to know someone is when no one else is looking!

Explain the worst date you’ve ever been on: I honestly don’t think I’ve been on any memorably bad dates.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Cefalu, Sicily; it’s where my family is originally from.

3 turn ons:

  1. athletic
  2. uniqueness
  3. Confidence driven / cares about herself

3 turn offs:

  1. being introverted
  2. insecurity
  3. smoking

What is your dream job and why? Army Special Forces Communication; I’ve wanted to serve my country since before high school and only in a position where very few are able to succeed and make the cut.

What is your biggest fear? Being held down [pagebreak] Name: Chris Gennaro School: University of Maine Major: Marketing Hometown: Saco, Maine Relationship Status: Single

Sign: Cancer

Nickname: Dr. C&B

Favorite thing about UMaine: Snow Days

How are you involved on campus: Intern with the Football Team

Favorite place to eat in Orono: Margaritas

Best Class: Law and Society

Worst Class: Strategic Management

How do you like to spend your weekends here: I usually go out with some friends trying to pick up girls but it almost always fails miserably and we end up getting pizza.

What’s on your ipod’s top rated: I’m Awesome by Spouse & Jay-Z’s entire Black Album. I relate to both of them so well.

Boxers or Briefs: Boxers

An embarrassing confession: I get very nervous around pretty girls.

Ski or Snowboard: Ski

What are you plans for Summer: Hopefully I get an adult job, but if not I’ll be working at the Lobster Claw in Saco and playing golf.

Salty or Sweet: Sweet

Dream job: Saving puppies & kittens from abusive homes and giving them to families where they can be loved.

Biggest Pet Peeve: Bro Stories

Three words to describe yourself: Gentleman, Scholar, (and I guess now) Cute Favorite Barstool Segment: “Milton’s Pimp My Look” because I need some new clothes.

Favorite Quote: “You know how they say we only use 10 percent of our brains? I think we only use 10 percent of our hearts.” -John Beckwith

Favorite song to dance to at a party: My Humps by The Black Eyed Peas

Favorite food: Burritos

Favorite sports team(s): New England Patriots

Favorite Beer: Budweiser Light (haven’t tried the Platinum kind yet…not sure if I’m ready)

Favorite App (game or otherwise): Fruit Ninja

Craziest place you’ve ever had sex: At the drive-in movies in the back of my SUV while Kung Fu Panda 2 was playing in the background.

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: I’m not what you’d call ‘smooth” around the ladies, so I usually just stare at a girl awkwardly until she either tells me to stop or she walk away.

What do you want girls to know about you: I think girls look for three things in a guy: his attractiveness, a great sense of humor, and money. I can offer you two of the three.

What do you look for in a girl: A girl that is smart, witty, and willing to make the first move.

Deal-breaker: If she ”knows” a lot of guys on the football team.

Celebrity Crush: Kaley Cuoco. (Penny from Big Bang Theory)

Gillian graduated from The Winsor School in Boston, MA in 2012 and is now a member of the class of 2016 at Colby College.