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The Scariest Part of Halloween: The Costumes

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

When October comes, two things are for certain.

  1. The leaves will begin to fall.
  2. College girls everywhere will manically spend hundreds of dollars on Amazon trying to
    buy the most perfect slutty-but-not-too-slutty Halloween costume.

Every year, like clockwork, the cycle begins. Once the air has the slightest chill, I ask my
friends, “So, what are we going to be for Halloween?” And every year I swear that I will
actually like my costume, and that “I’m going to have the most incredible, jaw-dropping
costume that’s slightly funny but also sexy.” But, every year, on November 1, not only do I
regret my costume, but also I see someone else’s and say to myself, “That is the perfect costume;
I will be that next year.” Yet, every year, I somehow forget all these ideas and the vicious cycle
repeats itself.

I was initially going to write this article as a guide to the perfect college Halloween
costume until I quickly realized I have no idea what that is. The delicate balance between sexy
and trashy that we all want to achieve is nearly impossible. Upon reflection, the girls whose
costumes I envy probably don’t even have that great of costumes; they are just the types of girls
who would look incredible in a paper bag. This makes me wonder why we put so much pressure
on these costumes and on Halloween as a whole.

Once you become a teenager, Halloween stops being a competition with your friends
about how much candy you can stuff into a pillow case and instead becomes a competition with
your friends about who can pick up the most guys as a slutty ghost. Costume shopping almost
becomes like a course in October. My friends and I talk about it at least once a day, and it
requires frequent upkeep to make sure you order all of the right pieces. Not to mention that most
schools have multiple days of Halloween festivities, meaning multiple costumes.

I don’t even want to imagine the ease of choosing a Halloween costume as a cis man.
Most of them don’t even need costumes; they could be clowns, villains, and monsters all on their
own! But that’s another conversation for another time.

So all I will say is good luck to you all, may the Halloween spirits be ever in your favor,
and may you reach the perfect equilibrium of spooky and sexy this Halloween.

I am a sophomore at Colby College majoring in Economics with a minor in Performance Theater and Dance. I love Taylor Swift, iced and hot coffee, food, musical theatre, and all things pop culture. I am obsessed with basically all fandoms, including Harry Potter, Twilight, and The Hunger Games. I hope to someday go into Marketing, and I am particularly interested in social media marketing strategies.