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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

November marks a time of transition. It is the period between fall and winter, the month commencing with Halloween celebrations and ending in Christmas/winter holiday season preparations. In this limbo-esque, in-between time, I’m setting a goal to read more and check some books off my list! Putting my Goodreads-scrolling addiction to good use, here are some books I am looking forward to reading this fall. 

  1. Body Work: The Radical Power of Personal Narrative by Melissa Febos

As an admirer of Roxanne Gay’s work, I am excited to read this personal essay collection. Febos tackles complex themes of how our physical bodies exist in time and space, and how we choose to write about and portray them. This text is surely one that will intrigue both writers and readers alike. 

  1. Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

This book has been on my To-Be-Read list for quite some time. With the miniseries currently being released, I’m feeling particularly compelled to read it (I’m a firm believer in reading the book before watching the show/movie!). The protagonist in the novel is a cooking show host who stirs the pot by giving her audience advice on more than just recipes. I’m anticipating this novel will cook up some interesting insights in readers. 

  1. Witch of Wild Things by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland 

Who says “spooky season” has to end in October? This book provides a blend of magic and romance told through beautiful poetic language.

  1. Icebreaker by Hannah Grace

A figure skater and an ice hockey player reluctantly find themselves working together. This enemies-to-lovers story provides a cozy read in anticipation of the upcoming chilly weather. 

  1. The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young 

The titular character sets out on an adventure to break her family’s curse. Beautiful prose, romance, and mystery make this a book I’m definitely picking up this month!

As we leave behind fall leaves and the mild autumn weather, I am looking forward to ushering in winter and cozying up with some new reads!

Amanda Krowitz is a current sophomore at Colgate University, concentrating in English. Her hobbies include writing for Colgate's student newspaper, reading, and waterskiing.