It’s halloweekend and Colgate has the twisted humor of pairing the highlight of the social season with a cordial invite for parents to come gather. Yes, parents weekend with a hint of zombie. Parents and kids beware.
If, however, you’re one of the fortunate (or unfortunate, you decide) offsprings whose parents have decided to skip the fake blood fest – we know just how you should spend your time.
Step One: As parents trickle in, you have the ultimate excuse to lay low. Lay being the operative word here. Take a few you hours and cuddle up with your favorite Halloweentown movie and a cup of hot cocoa ! Maybe facetime the rents, if you’re feeling lonesome.
Step Two: Hit up the cider mill and commandeer a few pumpkins while you’re at it. Nothing spells Halloween quite like carving a few pumpkins in your off hours. Maybe to the tune of Monster Mash? It’s a graveyard smash.
Step Three: Schmooze your friends’ rents. Sure, you may have to answer a few questions about your major. How’s dear ole mom and dad? The dreaded…what are your plans after graduation? But hey, free food. Free. Wine. #WorthIt
Step Four: That “parents brunch” doesn’t stipulate orphan attendance. Again, free food. And free coffee for your zombie hangover. It’s looking like a good weekend for your bank account. Mom and dad would be so proud!
Step Five: Since you already have the pumpkins, why stop there. Grab a few cotton cobwebs from the dollar store and decorate your apartment! A spooky space will really get you “in character” for the costume parties this weekend. Your roommates will love you, we’re sure!
Step Six: After feeling so accomplished from your apartment renovations, you might be on a productivity high. Roll with it and maybe read a book. Perhaps, even one that is assigned for your 8:20 on Monday?
Step Seven: Since there’s no need to rise bright and early for that obligatory parental breakfast, sleep in! Between the schmoozing, the movie watching, and the decorating, you must be exhausted.
Step Eight: With all this free time you should probably catch up on some Her Campus Colgate articles. We know midterms week was busy, so no hard feelings! But check out some more of our witty commentary on collegiate life! We know you missed us.