Name: Greg Holevas
Year: Junior
Major: Economics and Sociology
Relationship Status: Single
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Ideal First Date (at Colgate): Saturday afternoon at the Reid Bowling Alley
Something People Don’t Know about You: I have a lot of swag
Biggest Turn-On: Good Dancer
Biggest Pet Peeve: Bad Dancer
Best Quality in a Girl: Good Dancer
Man Crush: Bobby Lawrence
If you were stranded on a deserted island with one person who would it be: Chris Tucker back when he was really cool in Rush Hour 1
Most Embarrassing Moment: One night at Phi Tau afterhours I was swinging from a pipe and broke it, which flooded the basement with sludge. Because of this the entire house had to be evacuated at 4:30 am.
Dream Job: Stay at home Dad
Best Pick-up Line: Hey girl, have you read the Hunger Games?
Best Colgate Story: When that pick up line worked…