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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

It’s officially reached the time of year that we’re swapping t-shirts for sweaters and sneakers for uggs. We’re begging our friends for rides up the hill, taking in the beauty of the changing leaves from the comfort of a passenger seat window—It’s fall at Colgate! In addition to my love of the fashion and beautiful scenery this cooler weather brings, I’ve found an appreciation of taking in the view with a warm cup of soup in hand. My current favorite is Chobani’s tomato, with the Turkish red lentil being a close second, but even the vegetable soups at Coop have scratched the soup itch this season inspires! If you’re still not convinced to grab a bowl and spoon and dig into some soup yet, here are some other reasons to sway you!

  1. Soup is the ultimate comfort meal

Mac and cheese and ice cream, step aside (but don’t go too far!). Soup is fundamentally comforting. There’s no work that needs to be done while eating soup. You don’t need to cut into it. There’s minimal chewing. All you need is a spoon to enjoy your soup experience. 

  1. Soup warms the body and soul

The warmth is soothing on a cold day. Holding a cup of soup warms my cold hands and actually eating the soup helps me to quickly warm up from a fall chill. The spices and aromas clear a stuffy nose from a fall cold, providing instant comfort and relief.

  1. Soup is nourishing

Soup has so many good-for-you ingredients. Whether it’s a broth or a cream base, there’s always some wholesome nutrients to be found in soup. With some beans or chicken, soup can be hearty enough to be a meal on its own, or it can serve as the perfect side to accompany a variety of entrées. 

  1. Soup has endless possibilities 

Tomato soup, chicken noodle, creamy corn soup (yes this is now at Chobani!): the possibilities for soup are endless. Embrace fall produce with a butternut squash or pumpkin soup, or stick to the classics. It’s hard to go wrong when it comes to soup!

  1. Soup is easy to share 

Usually a recipe makes a large portion of soup. It’s hard, and not to mention a waste of time, to make solely one serving. A loving bowl of soup is a way you can show that you appreciate someone and want to take the time to make them feel taken care of. Grab a ladle, a friend, and share some soup together!

No matter what flavor you’re in the mood for, I am confident there’s a soup for you out there! Grab a cup or bowl and enjoy the best food of the season! 

Amanda Krowitz is a current sophomore at Colgate University, concentrating in English. Her hobbies include writing for Colgate's student newspaper, reading, and waterskiing.