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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Let’s get real: finals suck, and online finals can be even worse, depending on your perspective. It’s easy to forget about your own needs when you’re focusing on so many other responsibilities. Don’t forget about yourself! Here’s a list of self-care steps to not miss this finals week:


Eat your breakfast

I know a lot of students skip breakfast, but it’s the most important meal of the day for a reason! At night, you’re effectively fasting for about 8 hours, so your blood sugar dips. Eating breakfast breaks this fast (literally in the name!) and increases your blood sugar, improving your brain function and focus! Click here for some quick breakfast ideas you can make if you’re crunched for time.

Do a face mask

If you know me, this is my #1 self-care tip. When your skin is healthy, you are healthy (this statement not FDA approved). Face masks always help me de-stress and relax. They’re like a mini at-home spa, and not at all time-consuming. Prioritize yourself, queen! If you’re looking to get inspired, you can check out my VS face mask tier list here.


You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again: drink 64 ounces of water daily! Not only is it good for your skin, your physical health, your mental health, but it’s also vital for cognitive performance. If you’re reading this — drink water! Now!

Get 8 hours of sleep

As Her Campus celebrity Claire Lempert will tell you, I am a big proponent of sleeping 8 hours a night. Getting enough sleep is the most natural energy booster. You don’t need coffee or energy drinks if you just sleep enough! Make it a priority to get 8 hours of sleep a night, even if you think you don’t have the time. I promise you’ll never go back to pulling all-nighters!

Finals week sucks, but it can definitely suck less if you take care of yourself during it. Keep these tips in mind as you study and finish this semester strong! As always, stay safe, study hard, and eat the rich.

Kyrie Woodard

Columbia Barnard '23

is originally a Washingtonian turned New Yorker. Her hobbies include talking about her cats, Bobby and Greg, and drawing macroeconomic graphs.