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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Studying for college exams can feel very overwhelming. With midterms coming to an end, finals season is looming just around the corner. So, with no time to waste, here are five free and websites to help you ace your final exams and projects.


Do you have a twenty-eight page document of detailed notes and don’t know what to do with it? Use Gizmo. First, download your notes. Then, upload them to Gizmo. It’s as easy as that! From your notes, it will generate useful study tools such as flashcards and quizzes. This website is very similar to Quizlet—except, it is free! 

Hemingway Editor 

The Writing Fellows Center at Barnard is an incredible resource, but if you procrastinated and wrote your essay the night before it is due, Hemingway Editor will come in handy. Just copy and paste your essay into the website, and it will tell you your readability score, grammatical errors, and so much more. 


Did you already make your Quizlet flashcards without knowing it would charge you to actually use them? Knowt can help. Knowt allows you to import any previously made flashcards from Quizlet and study them for free! 

Lit Solutions 

Doing practice problems from the textbook and getting stuck? Or just want to check your work? Lit Solutions will show you how to solve these problems step-by-step. Just search for your textbook in the search bar, hen select the chapter and problem you are on. It will give you a step-by-step solution, so you can check your work or understand something you missed from class! 


If you already have all of your study methods down and do not need any of these previously mentioned websites, you may still want to check out this one. Noisili gives you the perfect lofi study noises along with a Pomodoro timer. The Pomodoro Technique involves studying for twenty-five minutes, then taking a short break, usually five minutes, then repeating the cycle. This website will do it all for you, so you do not have to continuously stop and set timers.

I hope these websites help you pass your finals! Happy studying, Lions!

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Ella Levy

Columbia Barnard '28

My name is Ella Levy and I am a first year at Barnard College. I am a staff writer. Outside of Her Campus I like to play tennis, go for runs, and explore New York. I am excited to be a part of Her Campus so that I can meet new people and grow as a writer.