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Adapting to Bright Mornings and Dark Afternoons

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

The late sunrise offers itself with hues of pink and orange as a refreshing beginning to our days. However, many of us find ourselves tired by 6pm each day due to the early sunsets and lack of daylight hours. This can be challenging, as the shorter daylight hours prevents us from taking advantage of our day. This article will explore some strategies that can effectively handle these early sunsets and make the most of the daylight hours.

Establish a Consistent Sleep Routine

A key factor in adapting to the early sunsets is ensuring that you get adequate sleep. By establishing a consistent sleep schedule you can help regulate your internal clock, making it easier to avoid having to take a nap to feel refreshed. I know as a student this is hard to maintain, but aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep each night will improve your quality of sleep and performance within school. Sleeping well will also help your body fight off the various colds that are flying around during this time of the year.

Use Light to yOur Advantage

Exposure to natural light in the morning can help regulate your circadian rhythm and improve your wakefulness throughout the day. Walking to school, as your quality time outdoors, in the sunlight will signal to your body that it’s time to wake up! Even opening your window shades, to expose the natural light in your bedroom will significantly improve your mood during these cold days.

Mindful Mornings

It is also important to create a morning routine. Instead of rushing off every morning to class, take a few moments to engage in mindful activities. This could be as simple as: sipping a cup of tea/coffee, practicing meditation, enjoying a brief stretch, or journaling. These calming rituals will help you start the day focused and in a positive mindset.

Adjust your Evening Routine

To ensure a smoother transition into the early sunsets, consider adjusting your evening routine. Limit your exposure to bright screens like your laptop and phone an hour before bedtimes, because the blue light emitted by electronics can interfere with melatonin production. Instead, try relaxing activities such as reading or a gentle wind down stretch before sleep.

Remain Active During the Day

Having regular physical activity has been shown to improve sleep quality. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine to help regulate your sleep patterns. This could be a morning jog, yoga, taking the stairs when possible, or even an evening stroll. Keeping active can help contribute to a better sleep and easier adjustment to the early sunset. 

Create a ‘Bright’ Room Environment

Ensuring your room is a comfortable space to feel relaxed and safe is of the utmost importance. Having a dark room, with poor lighting, can greatly affect your mental well being. There are many different bright light lamps that can be purchased on Amazon. For instance the viral sunset lamp is a great lamp to add a cool vibe to your space, and creates the illusion of the ‘golden hour’ sunlight ($16). There are also these bright light lamps that can be clipped onto furniture that will blind you if it’s faced towards your eyes, but facing the ceiling it will change a darkened room into a bright and happy space ($17).

Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

Hydration and nutrition can play a critical role in your sleep schedules and overall well-being. By drinking 6-8 glasses of water throughout the day, you will be hydrated and your skin will also be clearer. Aiming for a balanced diet rich in all the different food groups will keep your body refreshed and belly satisfied. Avoid heavy meals close to bedtime, and go for a light snack if you’re hungry in the evening. This will ensure a better rest for the night.

Adjusting to the early sunsets is a matter of changing both your sleep routine and daily habits. By incorporating these strategies into your daily lifestyle, you will see yourself feel lighter, more embracive in the morning, and foster a sense of well-being and productivity throughout the day. Take advantage of the day when it is still bright with sunlight outside for a more energized life!

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Caitlin Kontaridis

Columbia Barnard '25

A junior at Barnard College, studying psychology and writing. I just transferred from the New School, and I am thrilled to join this big friendly community. I have always enjoyed writing in my spare time and am extremely glad to use this platform to share my thoughts. My outside academic passion is fashion and predicting fashion trends. I love to find free events or activities within the city, and creative events to meet others. I’m hoping my articles connect with audiences who are interested in finding new things to do in New York City, are feeling lonely, need friendly advice, and fashion forecasts.