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Huntly Morrison: Just Chillin’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Name: Huntly Morrison

Class Year: 2014

Major: Biochemistry

Hometown: Berkeley, CA

Relationship Status: committed to my StarCraft clan

On-Campus Activities: brother of Pi Kappa Alpha, cellular biology and genetics research in the Miller Laboratory, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Vice-President of Columbia University Live Action Roll-Playing Society (LARPers unite!)

Off-Campus Activities:Volunteering with KEEN (Kids Enjoy Exercise Now), illegal forest raves in Central Park, reading

Most embarrassing moment: my birth (everyone saw me crying+naked, etc)

Pet Peeve: When people spell my name “Huntley”

Ideal girl in three words: hella frickin’ chill

Where do you see yourself in ten years? On the run from the law, wanted on trumped-up charges for “allegedly freeing Tilikum the killer whale” from “Sea World,” hauling ass in my 1996 Ford Taurus (w/ the custom spoiler) down a moonlit dirt road praying that I don’t bleed out before I hit the border

Describe your ideal first date: A small ceremony at city hall, parents and close friends in attendance, reception at Applebee’s (love their sliders)

Top travel destination: Santa Cruz CA, where the milk and honey flows

Best way to gain your affection? Have a good sense of humor and don’t take yourself too seriously