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A Guide to Surviving Awkward Family Dynamics at the Thanksgiving Dinner Table

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

As Tuesday fast approaches, many of you may be feeling excited to return home after a tiring month full of midterms, papers, seasonal depression, and finals looming. You may be missing your mom, dog (or cat), and other family and friends. However, Thanksgiving can also be an awkward time for many. Discussions around the dinner table, comments made by parents who may not realize what they said hurt you, or general awkwardness and drama may leave you feeling on edge or turn what promised to be a relaxing break full of fun family time into the opposite. So, here are my tips for ensuring things stay peaceful and non-awkward.

1: Have distractions on hand.

Sometimes, a fun game can be all it takes to turn the night around when conversations and interactions with family start to become awkward. Games like Telestrations, the association game, poker (one of my family’s favorites), and others can quickly get the fam laughing and smiling, taking their minds off of whatever possible tension was brewing before.

2: Find something funny to laugh about.

Whether it’s the dog trying to steal the leftover pie on the counter, the comedic yet well put together holiday outfit your younger brother chose to wear, the corny dad joke your uncle just said (yes, that can be actually funny sometimes), find something that gets the whole fam laughing.

3: Take a break from the table if you have to.

At times, you may need to simply take a break. Excuse yourself to the bathroom, volunteer to walk the dogs, whatever gives you an excuse for some peace and quiet. You can rejoin when you feel ready.

4: Don’t be afraid to tell people what’s bothering you or ask them to stop.

Although distractions and laughing can be great, boundaries are also important, especially when awkward or uncomfortable comments persist. Don’t be afraid to tell others who may be making the space uncomfortable to stop.

Have a fun, safe, delicious and healthy Thanksgiving everyone!

Madeline Motes

Conn Coll '27

Hi! My name is Madeline and I'm a first-year student at Conn! I'm from DC and I went to Jackson-Reed High School. I love swimming, creative writing and traveling. I also spent three years of high school living overseas in Amman, Jordan where I got to travel to lots of exciting countries, such as an international swim meet in Greece and a community service trip to Cape Town, South Africa. I also enjoy cooking and baking. I am very excited to be a part of HerCampus!