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Campus Cutie: Jen Morgan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.


This weeks campus cutie is like no other! As a tri-season athlete and a behavioral neuroscience major, Jen Morgan continues to make long-lasting impressions on just about everyone she meets. She was born to stand out, as everyone can see by her love of neon colors. Read more here to learn more about this outgoing collegiette…

Year: 2015
Hometown: Orange, CT
Major: Behavioral Neuroscience  
Relationship Status: In A Relationship 

Describe yourself in 3 words:
Jenny. Boom. Boom.

Field Hockey, Hockey, Lacrosse & Team Impact

Favorite song:
Back That Ass Up by Juvinelle 

Favorite TV show:
Mad Men

Favorite food:

Best memory of freshmen year?
I don’t remember

Favorite place on campus:

My bed.

Dream job:
Pediatric Oncologist

Most embarrassing moment?
When I would fall asleep in Chem class freshman year and fart to wake myself up… it happened so often that I wasn’t even embarrassed by it anymore and that’s the most embarrassing part.

What is your most treasured possession?
Pokka Dot pillow

If your like was a movie, which celebrity would play you and why?

Me because no one else can capture me.. But if I had to pick someone I would say Mark Whalberg, Ted, or Jennifer Lawrence

If you had one superpower what would it be?

How do you feel about being this week’s Campus Cutie? 
I don’t see why this week is different then any other

Inspirational quote?
Favorite Dr Seuss quote: “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.”
My quote: “Be completely selfless to the rare things that you love more than yourself.” 

I am a junior and a Campus Correspondent for Connecticut College! I am majoring in American Studies and a PICA scholar. I was a High School Ambassador for HerCampus in 2010-2011 and a contibuting writer 2011-2012. I love writing, editing, and social media. This fall, I am a Student Coordinator for the Women's Center, a photographer for College Relations, and am also a member of SafetyNet. When I'm not writing, I love being outside and enjoy many many different types of music. I also enjoy shopping at the Container Store, sharpie markers, thunderstorms, onesies, Gilmore Girls, The Newsroom, New Girl, 60 Minutes, and The West Wing.