Dear Zayn,
“Where do broken hearts go?” There are a lot of broken hearts because of your recent decision to leave 1D. It is clear from the hundreds of Youtube videos and hashtags trending on Twitter that your decision has made people feel upset, disappointed, confused, heartbroken, and many other emotions that if listed would made this letter WAY too long. I personally am a bit disappointed with your decision and still a little bit shocked.
I think that this retweet by Ryan Reynolds is representative of how I first felt about hearing the news and quite possibly is still representative of how I feel towards the whole thing. Side note: Ryan Reynolds Ladies and Gentlemen. That is all that needs to be said. #HerCampuslovesRyanReynolds.
The band is not complete with out you and will never be the same. Who is going to hit all of the high notes? How will “we find our way through the dark?” Whose strand of hair is going to get their own hashtag and appreciation posts ?! I understand that you want to take some time off, but I think eventually “Theres a moment when you’ll finally realize” you miss life performing with the boys and traveling the world. And I hope, like many others, that this moment will come in the near future.
I still don’t believe that this decision is permanent. I think you just may just want a break, which is totally understandable. I’m am confident that you eventually will come back.
You’ve made it clear that you “wanna be free” and “wanna be young” and are just trying to “escape from the city and follow the sun.” And that’s ok! And in a way totally understandable, but you will be dearly missed in the next album and we are all crossing our fingers hoping to find out that this decision is just temporary.
a sad Connecticut College student/ 1D Fan