Netflix’s new original series stars 2022’s newest “it” girl Jenna Ortega. In a spin-off of The Addams Family, Ortega, who plays Wednesday, explores the dark side of her new school Nevermore, the school for outcasts. Wednesday, an amateur detective unswayed by gore, love, or authority, attempts to uncover the mysterious death of a classmate. Despite Wednesday’s ever-stoic demeanor and seeming lack of interest in forming a connection with her classmates, she finds herself in a love triangle with a local “normie” barista, Tyler, and the artistic psychic and fellow outcast, Xavier. Wednesday also forms an unwitting bond with her happy-go-lucky roommate, Enid, and Eugene, a figure who reminds her of her brother from home.
In the series Wednesday, she finds herself as an outcast among outcasts and is quickly enthralled by solving her classmate’s murder, which is being covered up by the school’s authority and the local police department for an unknown reason. Wednesday and her most loyal sidekick, Thing, an expressive and well-moisturized detached hand, set out to uncover the truth together. Wednesday’s determination and her ambiguous visions lead her on the path to uncovering the culprit, however, the last episode reveals that it is not who anyone expected. This show is the perfect combination of teen romance and suspenseful murder mystery that will have you binging until the very end. Due to our enjoyment of the series, we want to give some of our own thoughts and predictions, but be warned of spoilers ahead!
After the final scenes where Tyler reveals himself as the Hyde, we predict that he will continue to wreak havoc on the town, the school, and especially Wednesday. One of our co-authors thinks that Wednesday and Xavier will be texting back and forth all summer long and have a budding romance in Season 2. It is possible that there will be no romantic interest in Season 2, as Wednesday seems to be a natural when it comes to independence; this way, Wednesday can focus on herself and her budding career in detective work. On the other hand, our other co-author senses that Wednesday and Enid will become more than just roommates in Season 2. Wednesday seems to be completely content on her own and without anyone’s approval, except for Enid. And come on, that hug between them at the end! As for the series as a whole, we are very excited to see where Wednesday’s journey might continue, as long as it includes our favorite Addams family member: Thing.