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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

Call me a grandma, but I am a huge fan of a cup of herbal tea with some honey and a good book! I also love tending to my plants, listening to music, playing comforting games like Minecraft and Stardew Valley, and hugging my stuffed animals (which I firmly believe you are never too old for). As someone who deals with several chronic illnesses, my de-stress rituals often involve things that help with pain, so heating pads/wraps and my weighted blanket are also staples.

  • Caroline Snyder, ‘26

As we are heading into fall, my favorite way to de-stress as the sun starts to set earlier is with one of my favorite warm seasonal drinks. This is usually either a chai latte, a pumpkin spice latte, or a simple but classic hot chocolate. I love to pair this with a comforting show (my current favorites are Emily in Paris, America’s Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, and The Perfect Couple), listening to music, or taking a relaxing walk around campus when I don’t have classes to admire the fall leaves and the squirrels running around! 

  • Madeline Motes, ‘27

I love journaling as a way to de-stress! Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, I’ll grab my journal, some water, and a light snack and take a few moments to myself to jot down what I’m feeling. Usually this turns to a stream-of-consciousness written yap session. I always feel so much better afterwards, and it clears my head of anything that might be distracting me so I can feel more productive and get my work done!

  • Emily Gray, ‘28

College life can be very stressful and overwhelming, so I am a firm believer in the importance of self care. My favorite way to wind down is to watch a comfort show or movie! I’m currently on my first watch of Gilmore Girls, but some of my other favorites include Tangled, Friends, and 10 Things I Hate About You. I usually like to pair this TV session with a snack or sweet treat. I also make it a priority to spend time with my friends every day, which helps me de-stress. We have dinner together every night, which is always something I look forward to. I love reading everyone’s suggestions and can’t wait to implement them into my own routine. 

  • Allie Ziegler ‘27

Between academics, on-campus jobs, and extracurricular activities, most days I don’t return to my dorm room until late at night. I love to immediately get as cozy as possible by taking a long hot shower (we’re talking SCALDING water here) and throwing on some comfy clothes. I’ll also change the lighting in my room by turning on my LEDs, which helps my brain shift into “night mode”. Then I’ll wind down for the evening with some kind of creative activity. This typically involves some combination of reading and writing, but lately I’ve also been obsessed with weaving friendship bracelets while listening to a good podcast! 

  • Tessa Stayton ‘25 
Caroline Snyder is a rising junior at Connecticut College who is double majoring in English and Environmental Studies! She is the president of Conn's Her Campus chapter, co-captain of the college's Equestrian Team, aids in education work in the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, and works in the college's archives, among other things. She loves writing, reading, her cat, dinosaurs, working out, and sustainability.
Madeline Motes

Conn Coll '27

Hi! My name is Madeline and I'm a first-year student at Conn! I'm from DC and I went to Jackson-Reed High School. I love swimming, creative writing and traveling. I also spent three years of high school living overseas in Amman, Jordan where I got to travel to lots of exciting countries, such as an international swim meet in Greece and a community service trip to Cape Town, South Africa. I also enjoy cooking and baking. I am very excited to be a part of HerCampus!
Allison Ziegler

Conn Coll '27

Allie (she/her) is a sophomore at Connecticut College studying Theater and Educational Studies. She is currently the Vice President of Conn Coll's Her Campus Chapter, as well as the marketing director for Wig & Candle, Conn's student-run theater club. She also participates in Student Activities Council and works at the Office of Admission as an Admission Ambassador. In her free time, she loves reading, crocheting, listening to music, and hanging out with friends!
Tessa Stayton

Conn Coll '25

Hi! My name is Tessa, and I'm currently the senior editor for Connecticut College's chapter of Her Campus! Here at Conn, I'm double majoring in English and Classics, and I also work as an RA. I'm very passionate about literature, so be on the lookout for future book reviews and recommendations! :)