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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

It’s midterms season at Connecticut College: read some of the tips our writers suggest for getting through it!

My biggest tip would be to be kind to yourself. It’s so easy to be hard on yourself when you have a long to-do list and aren’t as productive as you’d like. Remind yourself that it’s okay to take breaks, and focus on the work you DID get done, rather than the stuff you didn’t. Also, make sure to prioritize self care. You’re going to slay your midterms!

  • Allie Ziegler ‘27

I have learned this one through a LOT of trial, error, and unplanned library naps because I worked myself way too hard– schedule in breaks! Put them on your calendar if you need to, or set a timer– I often use the “focus timer” feature on the self care app I use, as I have a tendency to either get extremely scattered and distracted or lock in to something so hard I end up with 15 pages of a 6 page paper and nothing for any other class. Trust me, as someone with diagnosed ADHD, I know how hard it can be to manage time and foster a healthy balance between working and caring for yourself, but even five minutes of a breathing exercise or mindless mobile game can work wonders!

  • Caroline Snyder, ‘26

Take things one step at a time! It’s easy to get overwhelmed by a massive to-do list, but you will check everything off eventually! Don’t be hard on yourself if you take a break, they are needed for brains to work efficiently and at their best! View breaks as a tool that will help you study instead of viewing them as a result of laziness. Make sure you don’t let the stress of midterms consume your entire day because that won’t help you. Study for a few hours, then take a break to refresh, and repeat. You’re strong and you’ve got this!

  • Shannon Brock, ‘28

My biggest midterm survival tip would definitely be to not neglect your physical health! Pulling all nighters, skipping meals, and not drinking enough water can be seen as inevitable consequences of exams season, and it’s all too easy to glamorize those stressed-college-student cliches. Trust me, though, there’s nothing impressive about not taking care of yourself. Especially while studying for exams, the energy you get from sleeping and eating enough is absolutely crucial to success! 

  • Tessa Stayton, ‘25 
Allison Ziegler

Conn Coll '27

Allie (she/her) is a sophomore at Connecticut College studying Theater and Educational Studies. She is currently the Vice President of Conn Coll's Her Campus Chapter, as well as the marketing director for Wig & Candle, Conn's student-run theater club. She also participates in Student Activities Council and works at the Office of Admission as an Admission Ambassador. In her free time, she loves reading, crocheting, listening to music, and hanging out with friends!
Caroline Snyder is a rising junior at Connecticut College who is double majoring in English and Environmental Studies! She is the president of Conn's Her Campus chapter, co-captain of the college's Equestrian Team, aids in education work in the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, and works in the college's archives, among other things. She loves writing, reading, her cat, dinosaurs, working out, and sustainability.
Shannon Brock

Conn Coll '28

Hi, I'm Shannon! I'm from Newburyport, Massachusetts and I'm a first-year at Connecticut College. I'm a prospective English major because I've always loved reading and writing in many forms. I was an intern for my creative writing teacher in my senior year of high school. One of my main responsibilities for this role was being the co-editor of my school's poetry magazine, called Poetry Soup Magazine. I've also written for The College Voice. I spend a lot of time reading contemporary fiction and poetry books. I greatly enjoy keeping a journal, filled with lots of poetry and mindfulness exercises. I love going to the beach, hanging out with friends, and going for walks in the Arbo!
Tessa Stayton

Conn Coll '25

Hi! My name is Tessa, and I'm currently the senior editor for Connecticut College's chapter of Her Campus! Here at Conn, I'm double majoring in English and Classics, and I also work as an RA. I'm very passionate about literature, so be on the lookout for future book reviews and recommendations! :)