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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

My favorite self care tip is to spend time with loved ones. Sometimes when I get overly busy and stressed, I tend to isolate myself. I find that when I prioritize spending time with friends (even if that means silently doing homework together), I am in a much better mood. Another self care tip is to keep a clean living space. I usually clean my room every Sunday, which allows me to reset and feel more prepared going into a new week. Take care of yourselves!

  • Allie Ziegler ‘27

My go-to strategy for self care has always been making time for my creative passions! Whether that means checking out an egregious amount of interlibrary loans, writing short stories that will probably never see the light of day, or even just starting a new sewing project, nurturing my creative side has always helped me feel rejuvenated and grounded. Consequently, this allows me to take on academics and other responsibilities with a clearer and more energized perspective! 

  • Tessa Stayton ‘25 
Allie (she/her) is a sophomore at Connecticut College studying Theater and Educational Studies. She is currently the Vice President of Conn Coll's Her Campus Chapter, as well as the marketing director for Wig & Candle, Conn's student-run theater club. She also participates in Student Activities Council and works at the Office of Admission as an Admission Ambassador. In her free time, she loves reading, crocheting, listening to music, and hanging out with friends!
Tessa Stayton

Conn Coll '25

Hi! My name is Tessa, and I'm currently the senior editor for Connecticut College's chapter of Her Campus! Here at Conn, I'm double majoring in English and Classics, and I also work as an RA. I'm very passionate about literature, so be on the lookout for future book reviews and recommendations! :)