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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.


Going to a small college in rural Connecticut can sometimes make you feel as though you’re living in a bubble. So naturally, it can be challenging to stay politically aware at Conn. If you struggle with this too, read on to discover my top tips for staying connected with the outside world!


  1. Sign up for the email newsletter Need2Know (https://theneed2know.com/). It’s free and takes 30 seconds, so you have no excuse. Do it now!

Need2Know delivers the top 10 news stories of the day, straight to your email inbox. Each news item is summed up in just a few lines – perfect for busy students who are crunched for time! There is a good mix of serious news, sports, fashion, and obscure but amusing stories. There is also plenty of humor injected into each newsletter to ensure that your day is off to a good start!

Here’s a peek at parts of last Friday’s newsletter:


  1. Connecticut College provides free subscriptions to the New York Times for all students. Take advantage! You can pick up a free copy each day in the library, or you can click here (https://myaccount.nytimes.com/verification/edupass) to sign up online.


  1. Pick up your free copy of The Voice, which can be found, well, pretty much everywhere on campus! Many of the articles are focused on political awareness, and an added bonus is that all the articles are written by your peers! And if you’re feeling super inspired, you can submit an article of your own by emailing editor Dana Gallagher at dgallag4@conncoll.edu


  1. There are plenty of politically active clubs on campus that will help you stay informed. Consider joining one (or several!) such as Students Organized Against Racism (SOAR), Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlan (MEChA), Prism, Eclipse, CC Democrats, Republicans and Conservatives Club, and many more! Check out the full list of student clubs in ConnQuest or create your own!

Ann Monk is a sophomore from Seattle, WA, studying International Relations, Global Islamic Studies, and Arabic at Connecticut College. She hopes to eventually work on education policy for refugees who have been resettled in Europe, but in the mean time, she is busy playing soccer, traveling, eating Indian food, and of course, writing for Her!
Her Campus Conn Coll