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Why You Should be Watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cornell chapter.

If you haven’t watched Crazy Ex-Girlfriend yet, it’s a must see. Now that the first two seasons are on Netflix, you can binge watch it to your heart’s content. Here’s why you should check it out.


1. Songs

Admittedly, when I first heard the title, I thought I would never watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. As soon as I heard it was a musical-style show though, I knew I needed to at least try it. I was shocked by how amazing it was! The songs are absolutely brilliant and catchy. If the plot doesn’t at first draw you in, the songs will keep you watching long enough to really get into the show.


2. Actors

The cast of this show is fantastic, from Santino Fontana (Hans from Frozen) to Rachel Bloom, one of the show’s co-creators. Every single character will have you cracking up, and there’s such a variety of characters that there will definitely be someone you can totally relate to.


3. Relatable

Beyond its variety of unique characters, the different topics covered in the show are super relatable. In just two short seasons, the show has tackled everything from mental health to discovering your sexuality to alcoholism, among many other things. It constantly challenges your perceptions and allows you to see your favorite characters dealing with the same situations you’re in.


4. There’s a Cornell shout out

Who doesn’t enjoy when Cornell is mentioned in their favorite tv show? No, it wasn’t exactly a positive mention, but still. It’s pretty cool.


5. It’s hilarious

The songs drew me to the show, but what made me obsessed with it is how funny it is. Rachel Bloom is a complete genius with both her songs and her goofy character. I have yet to watch an episode that didn’t make me laugh.


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is the show you’ll wonder why you’ve never watched before. Just be prepared to get addicted!


Asian Studies major who enjoys horseback riding, crochet, singing, and musical theater. Passionate about public service and addressing economic inequality and women's, LGBTQ+ and minority rights.
Elizabeth Li

Cornell '19

Junior at Cornell University and President/Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Cornell