~~As told through embarrassing photos of my own high school experience~~
1. Jumping pictures are unrealistic.
Hello, yes that is me, your author, looking like the poltergeist grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.
2. You did not work at a 5 star restaurant where all your friends just happen to also work and you did not love it.
Instead, you just earned minimum-wage the old fashioned way: hard work and no singing.
3. A boy would never chase a girl across the country just to ask her to senior prom!
Ah, young romance is in the air
4. You and your siblings were never THIS close.
And my brother didn’t even make eye contact with me for all of sophomore, let alone star in a musical production with me.
5. School productions were not Broadway plays.
Even the actors look unamused.
6. No one had a perfect wardrobe the way Sharpay did.
I wore a cardboard box to my senior year homecoming but this chicks probably got diamond-monogrammed underwear.
7. You couldn’t get away with anything and would probably be murdered for painting your locker pink.
8. Boys and girls didn’t really sing together, dance together, or even talk.
By the looks of it, I wouldn’t want to talk to me either…
9. We were most certainly NOT “all in this together”.
We literally had a weekly column just to rip each other a part. It got shut down before I was a junior.
10. Not everyone coupled off at the end of high school! Some people stayed single!!
Even Sharpay found Zeke but I stayed steady third wheelin’.
11. High schools are not beautiful.
This was a real, accidental stain. They had to buy a new board because it wouldn’t come off for a month.
12. No one’s college process was that easy! I mean seriously, Troy sang in like what, two high school plays and he got into Julliard!? AS IF.
^ A collage of my best friend crying from the college process. ^
13. Don’t even tell me these lazy skater kids were the baddest on the block. Things were not as innocent as singing and dancing!!
Though sometimes you wish it were…
14. Did these kids not have homework or tests??
According to Chad’s rad shirt, they did not.
15. You never met a boy like Troy once in your life.
Now taking boyfriend applications. Thanks.