The few weeks before spring break in Boulder are probably the worst period of time in the entire school year for so many reasons.. so, while we are all suffering together, let’s take a moment to look at this torturous time through the lens that is Parks and Rec.
First of all, throughout various times of the day you are either freezing cold,
or sweating profusely, and you never know what time of day either climate will occur, sometimes it’s hot in the morning and cold during lunch, and hot again by 5, sometimes it changes every 30 minutes. Either way you are never dressed properly.
You have no motivation to do anything, because you know a break is coming but after that you have to come back and that takes away some of the fun of “pushing through”
so by the time you are done with all your classes and clubs and homework and workouts and your friends want to go party you’re just like
and when your roommate asks for the answers to the homework you’re just like
and that essay…
Let’s not even mention the spring break workout you’ve been on since february
and trying to eat healthy like
But when you finally just give in and go to cosmos you’re like
Your thoughts on 9am class tomorrowÂ
and you decide to show up but when you get asked a question you’re just like
then you realize you have 4 exams this week even though you just finished midterms
overall just about everything going on right now is a giant, exhausting mess
but when it’s finally time to leave for break we will all be like
and our professors will be like
but don’t forget, all good breaks come to an end