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Bring Fall Inside with a Yummy Simmer Pot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Fall is finally here, and even though the Boulder weather doesn’t always get that memo, we can still feel like it is sweater weather in shorts and a tank top.

Simmer pots, or “stovetop potpourri” have been my saving grace in the dry Colorado air, and they keep me feeling motivated to do work and be productive. Sometimes a candle just doesn’t cut it for giving me the calm and fall vibes I’m looking for, so I just imagine I’m a vlogger, and I’m showing everyone my simmer pots and my day (does anyone else do this? Please say yes).

Honestly, I usually use whatever is about to go bad in my fridge, toss it in and hope it smells good, but if you wanna keep it a bit more classy than I can manage, here are some ideas that will keep you space smelling and feeling like fall all autumn long!

Generally, you want to wash all your items that are going in the simmer pot (besides spices, of course), so there are no pesticides or waxes from the fruits going into your air. Then, use your widest pot to boil water and fill it about ¾ of the way full. Add your scentsy items and reduce to a simmer. Add water as needed to make sure the ingredients don’t burn. I usually let the aroma permeate all day and then allow it to cool overnight and clean in the morning (sorry to my roommates, y’all gotta make pasta in another pot tonight). Below are a few of my favorite scent combinations, or check out more here.

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Illustration by Sketchify in Canva

Simmer Pot #1

  • 3 lemons, sliced thinly
  • A few sprigs of rosemary
  • A splash of vanilla
  • 2 cinnamon sticks

Simmer Pot #2

  • 3 oranges, sliced thinly
  • A splash of vanilla
  • A few cloves
  • Some star anise
  • 3 cinnamon sticks

Simmer Pot #3

  • 2 grapefruits, sliced thinly
  • A bunch of thyme
  • A sprig of rosemary

Simmer Pot #4

  • A few handfuls of cranberries
  • 2 oranges
  • A few cloves
  • 3 cinnamon sticks

Simmer Pot #5

  • A few drops of lavender essential oil
  • 2 lemons, sliced thinly
  • A sprig of rosemary

Simmer Pot #6

  • 2 pears, sliced thinly
  • One tablespoon of maple syrup
  • 3 cinnamon sticks

Simmer Pot #7

  • A handful of mint
  • 3 lemons, sliced thinly
  • A dash of eucalyptus essential oil

Just a note that if you use essential oils to amplify the scent and have pets, do a bit of research to check if those are safe for them! Most notably, eucalyptus and some citrus scents are not great for pets.

Happy smelling!

Marita is HCCU's president and a senior studying operations management and marketing with a creative technology and design minor. She loves fashion, design and cooking. In her free time, she loves to go on walks and hang out with her bearded dragon, Walter!