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Five Crystals to Enhance Your Feminine Energy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Disclaimer: I am a strong believer in utilizing crystals to raise your vibrational frequency, and fully think that they are extremely effective in healing the spirit, but also believe that our spirits are no more valuable than the miners who provide these gems to us. It is vital to only shop from reputable and sustainably sourced locations and companies who compensate their employees for their labor as they should be compensated. Keep these workers in mind when you are indulging in your spirituality. 

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a type of quartz found all over the world but is particularly mined from Brazil, South Africa, and India. Due to its abundance and sought after, beautiful rose tint, rose quartz is generally sold for relatively inexpensive. It has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs hardness scale which makes this stone particularly durable for many uses in jewelry. In terms of its spiritual properties, rose quartz is popular because of its believed properties of unconditional love. It rules the heart chakra or Anahata, found in the center of the chest, and is thought to be effective in manifesting unconditional love and self-love, compassion, understanding, maternal instinct, and appreciation of interpersonal relationships. Rose quartz is arguably the most common crystal chosen when wanting to get in touch with your feminine side.


While rose quartz is typically picked to enhance the delicate nature of the female condition, carnelian is used to enhance the bold, passionate nature. With a hardness of 7 as well, carnelian is often a popular choice for jewelry and other large tumbles but can be a bit more expensive. Carnelian rules the sacral chakra (Svadhisthana), which has direct links to sexuality and pleasure, although there are additionally strong links to the root chakra (Muladhara), which emphasize and focus on grounding and overall spiritual balance. You will sometimes see carnelian intimacy wands and yoni eggs produced as a way to balance the sacral root. This stone is believed to boost self-confidence, both in and out of the bedroom, and help heal any traumatic emotions associated with sensual experiences. 

Desert Rose Selenite

Desert rose selenite is known by a few different names, including gypsum, and is considered a very soft mineral, having only a hardness of 2. Because of this softness, desert rose can be used commercially as a base for cement when it is ground up. It is formed when sand particles become trapped and crystallized within shards of selenite, which is a naturally cleansing mineral. It activates the root, sacral, and crown chakra (Sahasrara), which makes this mineral formation wonderful in assisting mental clarity, and cultivating loving relationships. Additional properties include increased comfort in self-expression and amplifying intentions associated with manifestation. In a world that is emotional and unpredictable, the desert rose is a delightful yet fragile crystal to keep around your person to, at the very least, purify the space you exist in. 


Like rose quartz, rhodochrosite is a stunning layered pinkish-red gem, but it uniquely has bands of white or light pink which adds to the individuality of this stone. It has a medium hardness found somewhere between 3.5 and 4 on the Mohs hardness scale and is considered to be a type of calcite. Rhodochrosite heals primarily the heart chakra but also is thought to balance the solar plexus chakra or Manipura. In this case, the heart chakra encourages inner healing, peace, and inward love, and the solar plexus chakra aids in solidifying this healing into empowerment by providing reassurance in the trust of individual control. Although it has been found as the focus of a lot of attention recently due to its beauty and believed metaphysical properties of soothing the heart and promoting empathy, it is considered to be one of the less abundant and more costly crystals which can potentially reduce its accessibility.


Known as the stone of divine feminine energy, moonstone can have the appearance of a range of colors and is typically found as a creamy, pearlescent white stone, but can have blue, green, gray, peach, or even rainbow reflections. It is considered a feldspar mineral with a hardness of 6-6.5. Generally, crystals above a hardness of 5 are safe to be washed in water for short periods of time, but anything below 5 should be kept away from water. Moonstone can be cleansed by using celestial patterns like utilizing the energy of a full moon. Many women opt for moonstone because it is thought to balance hormonal cycles and provide clarity during events such as puberty, PMS, pregnancy, and menopause. By targeting the third eye chakra (Ajna), moonstone is able to deepen intuition and connect to suppressed psychic abilities while working in unison with the heart chakra and the crown chakra to cultivate outward and inward kindness within the soul. Moonstone is found across the globe, particularly in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Australia, which makes smaller tumbles of this stone generally accessible to all, although it is no surprise that larger displays are rarer to find and therefore much more expensive. 


If you notice that you have been feeling a bit lackluster in your femininity recently, it may be worth your time to explore crystal healing as a holistic way to cleanse any negativity surrounding you and enhance your natural energy. Many people do not believe in the effects of crystal healing, and that’s alright! If you are one of these individuals, I still encourage you to look into these five very different stones because, if nothing else, they are beautiful creations from our Earth that deserve to be appreciated.

Jordan Saladino

CU Boulder '24

Jordan is from a small town in the western suburbs of Chicago and is very passionate about the arts and sciences. Her interests include psychology, creating mixed-media artwork, and spending time outdoors.