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Going Through a Funk? Tips On How To Feel More Like Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

So, you’ve been feeling like you’re going through a funk? Whether it’s from school, personal life, work, or all of the above, it’s not fun. Luckily, there are things that can help you feel more like yourself, if you haven’t felt like yourself for a while.

Call A Loved One Or Friend.

This one is something that I always do because it makes me feel more grounded after I’ve talked to someone that I love. Tell the person you are talking to how you feel because they care for you and want to see you happy. Letting out your feelings to someone you feel comfortable with can relieve a lot of stress.

Go To Therapy.

It may seem like everyone and their mother is recommending therapy for everyone, but there is extreme truth to it. Personally, therapy helped me out tremendously. If you don’t have a loved one that you feel like you could share your worries with, then therapy is a great alternative because you are getting help from someone who truly cares. Getting help is always a good idea for anyone who is struggling with something. Try on campus resources or find someone in your town.

Create An Exercise Routine.

Something that has proved well for me is exercising. Exercising lets out endorphins in your brain that trigger your brain to feel happier and less stressed! Choose days that work with your schedule and create an exercise routine that is do able for you, even if it’s only 20 minutes on the treadmill! Exercising is an easy way to feel better mentally and physically.

Let Yourself Have Time To Decompress Everyday.

Whether you’re watching an episode of your favorite show, taking a long, hot shower, or meditating, giving yourself time to do something that you love and calms you is extremely important. With our constantly busy schedules, it can be tough to find time between friends and school. Giving yourself at least 30 minutes a day for yourself can leave you feeling refreshed and clear-headed.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up For Feeling This Way.

Everyone gets in a funk every once in a while. Don’t beat yourself up over it. It may seem like you are the only one who feels this way, but in reality, everyone goes through funks and nobody is perfect all the time. Keep telling yourself that you will get through it, because difficult times do happen, but they don’t last forever!

Keep In Check With Your Eating And Sleeping Habits.

Make sure that you are eating enough, especially foods that make you feel full and good. Also, make sure that you are getting enough sleep. You might be saying, “I’m a college student, I don’t know what sleep is.” In reality, sleep is extremely important and keeps us feeling good and ready to take on the day. Studying is important, but so is your body. So make sure you’re nourishing and resting your body!

Let Yourself Feel Your Emotions.

This is a very important skill that I’ve learned that actually can help with healing. Letting yourself feel the emotions that you are feeling can answer questions about why you feel that way. Letting myself cry if I’m sad and feeling unapologetic about it has helped me understand my emotions even more. Don’t avoid the emotions you feel— just don’t let them control your life.

You are stronger than the funk you’re going through. Hopefully these tips were helpful and always seek professional help if you feel you need it. You’re powerful and can handle anything that gets thrown your way. 

– Ivie 

Ivie Maher

CU Boulder '23

Ivie is a senior studying political science. She loves dogs, bunnies, and ice cream. She loves the outdoors and feels right at home here in the mountains. You can catch her cooking green bean casserole (her favorite), finding new music, or writing her newest article.
Sko Buffs!