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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Disclaimer: This is not sponsored or endorsed by Google. I wish it was, I just really like this tool. 

With the end of the school year looming (how did that happen??), you might be needing a new way to stay organized and on top of your assignments. I’ve been using Google Keep since high school and whenever I tell people about it, their minds are blown. Here is a quick rundown of how to find and use it. 

How To Get There: 

When you pull up your Gmail account, there will be six little boxes in the upper right-hand corner (where you can access Google Docs). There you will find a yellow box icon with a light bulb inside of it that says “Google Keep” underneath. Click on it and tada! 


How To Use It: 

There are many ways to customize Google Keep to make it work best for you. You can click on the box that says “Take a note…” and then you can choose whether to use it as a sticky note or to use it as a to-do list. You can make it a to-do list by clicking on the box that has a checkmark on it in the “Take a note…” box. See the pictures below to show how to use them even better.


You can even change the colors of the notes and to-do lists if you are someone who loves to color code, like me. You can also pin more important notes if you need something to be front and center every time you open it.


I hope you can use this great tool heading into midterms and finals to keep you organized! Good luck with the rest of the semester and you’ve got this.

Ivie Maher

CU Boulder '23

Ivie is a senior studying political science. She loves dogs, bunnies, and ice cream. She loves the outdoors and feels right at home here in the mountains. You can catch her cooking green bean casserole (her favorite), finding new music, or writing her newest article.