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HCCU Helped Me Figure Out What I Wanted to Do With My Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

A year ago, I sat here and told you a story about how I almost dropped out. Then HCCU came along. 360-some days later, I’m here to elaborate on that story a bit. After nearly quitting school, writing a few articles, and even becoming a social media assistant, things are looking a bit different than they did when this journey started.

When I joined Her Campus CU Boulder, I wasn’t even sure that I wanted to be in college, so I really had no idea what would come after I was done with it. HCCU, however, made me realize that my passion for writing went far beyond something I did for fun. It was what I wanted to do after my time at CU was over. So, lo and behold– shortly after, I declared a minor in journalism.

Getting the opportunity to write about so much and to post on social media has allowed me to learn so much about the industry I hope to set foot in, and the experience of getting to do so isn’t just benefitting me in professional aspects.

With HCCU, I have had opportunities to interview the casts of several Warner Bros. films (including Lin Manuel Miranda!), showcase other amazing opportunities our authors have, and even engage with our community through giveaways. 

This magazine has introduced me to so many kind, like-minded women. All of my roommates are a part of HCCU, and it is so fun to head to meetings together, brainstorm article ideas, and those little moments have created room for us to help each other in our HCCU endeavors. 

I never imagined that applying to write about topics I was interested in would lead to so much. At the time, I was simply looking for something that would keep me afloat through my first college semester. Instead, I found something that changed the course of my life for the better.

I cannot promise you that joining HCCU will be the answer to all of your existential questions. What I can promise is that this is a place where you can talk about the things you love, improve your writing, create content, and work with other brands/partnerships, all in great company.

Our application is due Sunday, Jan. 16 at 11:59 pm. Apply here! 

Noelia Salazar

CU Boulder '23

Noelia is majoring in international affairs with a minor in communications. She is passionate about social change and bringing light to topics not talked about enough. She loves books, makeup, and coffee. In her free time, she's probably rewatching Gilmore Girls.