Alright guys, it is finally here! The day we have ALL been waiting for! National Margarita Day! The day where the United States all bonds together to celebrate our favorite imported alcohol, tequila.
To celebrate, let’s make our own margs! But, like, the cheap way, because we are in college after all.
First up, you need a cocktail shaker, and I love this one from Bed, Bath and Beyond, because it has all the recipes to all my favorite drinks on there, so if tequila isn’t your cup of tea, you can make a vodka cranberry while the rest of us are living our best life.
Also, no shame if you’re thinking Louisa, there is no way I’m buying a cocktail shaker today. I have been living my best life without one for years now. I’m just going to dump it all together in a cup. Can’t blame you. You do you, sis.
Alright on to the good stuff, margaritas. For this broke babe’s recipe, you’ll need:
2 oz Tequila or as much as you want, can’t judge, remember? I recommend Jose Cuervo, you’ll find him on the Hill.
1/2 oz agave, ask Starbucks for like 5, when they look at you weirdly, show them this article.
3/4 oz lime juice, do it for the Marg
A touch of salt for cup edges, or your hand. Now get into a debate with your roommate about whether or not you actually need salt, I say yes.
Bear with me, buy margarita mix when you buy the tequila on the Hill. Plus you and I know you were going to do that anyway. Once again, the Jose Cuervo one is heckin’ cheap.
If you’re not just mixing margarita mix into a cup, you’ll need to:
Pour some salt onto a plate.
Rub some lime juice along the rim of the glass.
Turn the glass upside down on the plate so the rim sticks to the salt.
Pour the agave, lime juice, and tequila into your shaker.
Add ice.
Shake for 15 seconds.
Pour and congratulate yourself for celebrating the holidays that really matter.
Congrats babe, we’ve made it through the week. Now go ahead and listen to Tequila by Dan + Shay and relax this weekend.
Love you babes,
Thanks to Probably This for inspiration for this piece.