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It’s My Fourth Year With Her Campus – Here’s What I’ve Learned

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Freshman year was forever ago. I lived in Darley North, was dating my high-school boyfriend, was drowning in work (college is a lot harder than high school!), and obsessed with my RA, Grace. I also read Her Campus articles throughout high school (they were so relatable) so I was super hyped to join. 

I realized that I felt like I had nothing in common with the girls in the club, but that was kind of the point. I needed to branch outside of my comfort zone so I stuck with it. I sucked at first because I didn’t get any articles in on time and had no clue what to write about, but 40 articles later I’d say that I at least know how to write coherent pieces, which is definitely a strength for someone in my field. It’s cheesy but here’s what I’ve learned throughout my years here.

Writing Is Self Expression.

I truly believe everyone has some sort of creative energy but a society which emphasizes practicality like ours does leaves a lot of people frustrated. That was me. I think I got a lot of my creativity out (ahem sophomore year) but it’s still fun to write every once in a while and it makes pretty good content if you do it right.

Your Productivity Varies.

Some semesters are much busier than others and sometimes you just have writers block! That doesn’t mean you should drop something you love though. Just make sure that you don’t burn yourself out and as long as you communicate with exec you should be in the clear if anything comes up!

Exec Is Hard.

I did social media for a semester. It was super fun but it was a lot more commitment than I thought! I realized the social team dedicates a lot of time and thought into every single post (it’s very calculated). I’m glad I did it because I learned a lot about social media and felt very close to the other writers but it was definitely a lot of work.

Being In Something Long-term Is Rewarding.

you’ve dedicated four years of your life into something greater is a really good feeling! It also looks really good to employers if you can commit to something long-term. Speaking of employers…

Resume Boost.

This applies to most college students whether they’re going to grad school or the corporate world – people love to see extracurriculars. If you’re a journalism major it looks good because it’s real-world experience. If you’re anything else it looks good because you look well-rounded. They asked me about Her Campus during my technical interview and who expected that?

Overall I think Her Campus is one of the most fulfilling things I’ve done during college!

Maya Douglas

CU Boulder '22

Maya is a senior at CU Boulder studying computer science and philosophy. In her free time, you'll find her listening to music on campus or going out with her friends.