“Oh. My. God.” If you’re as big of a “Friends” fan as I am, then I’m sure this cookbook practically made you scream when you saw it in the store, too! The iconic TV show now has multiple cookbooks highlighting some of the famous dishes cooked by the characters. One of the books is called “The One With All the Recipes” by Teresa Finney, and I’ve had so much fun cooking the dishes in it. Here is a review of a few of my favorites so far!
- Jewelry box mac and cheese.
I made this with my sister, and both of us were practically drooling while it was cooking! Play around with the spices to see what you like best because there’s really no way to make mac and cheese wrong.
- Floor cheesecake.
This episode, where Rachel and Chandler eat their cheesecake even after it fell on the floor, was always one of my favorites. This recipe has all of the deliciousness with none of the floor, luckily, and can feed up to 12 people.
- Two chicks chicken breast.
Monica made this while catering Carol and Susan’s wedding, but it’s a perfect recipe for any occasion. Pair it with salad, rice, or potatoes and enjoy!
- Chocolate mousse.
A delicious and decadent dessert, this mousse is definitely perfect for chocolate lovers! The recipe recommends you garnish with raspberries, which is an amazing flavor pair if you’re looking for something sweet and refreshing.
- Turkey burgers.
The recipe description reads, “Could this be any more perfect?” and I have to agree. Turkey burgers are delicious, and this recipe is super easy and perfect for a quick dinner while you’re super busy studying for finals.
- Banana nut muffins.
Just like the muffins at Central Perk! And even better, you can get them for free even when it isn’t your birthday.
- All-time favorite meatball sub.
Joey’s favorite sandwich, come to life! The description says, “This is definitely a sub you’d take a bullet for, or at least, a pretend one,” and it’s so delicious, you just might think about it!
- Breakup pizza.
Complete with anchovies just like the ones Rachel ordered during her and Ross’ famous breakup. Even if you aren’t “on a break,” pizza is always a good decision.
- Fried stuff with cheese.
This food was Joey’s fantasy when he imagined being married to Monica, but I’m sure it tastes just as good in real life. You don’t even need a fancy deep-fryer to make these, just a skillet and some vegetable oil.
- Chicken pox spaghetti and salad.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to be sick to make this delicious meal (although I’m sure it would make you feel better!) Have a delicious dinner with your roommates, or meal prep it for the week.
I hope these I hope these recipes inspired you to check out this cookbook and many others based on shows like “Friends!” If you’re like Joey and don’t share this food, I don’t blame you at all.