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Running for Fun: How I Stopped Punishing Myself and Found Joy In The Activity

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

I have never considered myself a runner. I felt like in order to define myself as a runner, I needed to have all the gear, consistently run long distances, and have a natural affinity for putting my shoes on and spending the afternoon outside. Recently, I have been trying to run more often, and without even realizing it, I feel like a real runner for the first time in my life. 

Although I still can’t imagine running longer than 6 miles, or even for more than an hour at once, I now enjoy my runs and can almost predict a future where I do consider myself a runner. Here’s how I entered the running world after years of not feeling talented enough, dedicated enough, or prepared enough to define myself as more than a casual jogger. 

Enjoyed the moment

The hardest part of running, in my opinion, is the activity itself. Until I started to allow my runs to be framed as a fun activity rather than a torturous workout, I found running painful, boring, and way too time-consuming. The first run I ever enjoyed was one where I stopped to take pictures of plants, explored upper-class neighborhoods, and set no goals. My mind frame was, “I’m gonna move for an hour.” I walked when needed, turned left when I wanted to explore a random cul-de-sac, and treated it as an opportunity to sightsee rather than a workout. By enjoying the moment during my runs, I have found extreme joy; the workout is an added benefit on top of working on my tan, getting to know my city better, and imagining a life where I live in the suburbs. Below are some strategies I recommend trying to make your runs more fun:

  • Going with a friend: A slow-paced run makes for a great gossip session which will distract you from the exhaustion of running.
  • Taking pictures: See a tree you like, a bunny in the grass, or find the perfect selfie light? Snap a few pictures on your run, and you’ll be more focused on the view than your burning legs. 
  • House-hunt: I love looking at nice houses and people’s yards while I run. 
  • Go for a trail run: Turn an easy hiking trail into a running spot once you realize you can workout outside. 

Embraced the aesthetic

Another thing that has helped me look forward to my next run is embracing the running aesthetic. There’s something so rewarding about applying sunscreen, wearing a baseball hat, and tying up my running shoes before I leave the door for a run. I like to run with a fanny pack so I can bring my keys, phone, and a snack, but I am also keeping my eye out for a nice running backpack so I can drink water while on the go. This aesthetic is different from my normal weightlifting aesthetic, but I like the romanticization of going outside for my workout. Once you explore the cute outfits you can wear, the shoes you can buy, and the tan lines you can boast about, running might sound more appealing. 

Found the right music 

Part of the reason I have struggled to run in the past is because the music I was listening to was too fast. I was listening to intense hardstyle remixes and without realizing it, stepping to the beat and tiring myself out after about a mile. While this type of music might be better for other workouts, I think the best running songs range from about 130-150 BPM. A few songs I have on repeat during my runs right now are “FTCU” by Nicki Minaj (145 BPM), “River” by Bishop Briggs (124 BPM), and “Little Girl Gone” by CHINCHILLA (160 BPM). By listening to the tempo of a song and paying attention to my steps per minute, I am finding it easier to run for longer distances and keep a consistent pace. 

Tracked my progress

The final factor that made me become more of a runner is tracking my progress. I use the Runkeeper app to map my runs, record my pace, and keep track of my distances. I like this app because I can personalize the notifications I get throughout my activity (I like to have an announcement every 0.5 miles) and view my stats after I finish. While I know numbers and statistics are not motivating for everyone, I like knowing how my run looks on paper and being able to compare my stats over time. It’s super rewarding when I get a notification saying “This was your fastest 2-3 mile run!” or “Congratulations, you broke a new distance record!”. Quantifying my progress has been a huge inspiration for me because I can actually see myself getting better at something I never thought I could do. 

Tennis Shoes And Water Bottle
Her Campus Media

Running is hard; the amount of times I’ve heard people say “Oh I could never be a runner” is infinite. I too doubted my abilities before I realized running — like many things — is something you might have to try to be good at. Very few people can naturally run for an hour straight with no negative thoughts or overpowering exhaustion. By enjoying the moment, embracing the running aesthetic, listening to the right music, and tracking my progress, I discovered a part of myself who is a runner. I can’t wait for my next run!

Lanaya Oliver

CU Boulder '24

Lanaya Oliver is the Editor-in-Chief and a contributing writer at the Her Campus Chapter at the University of Colorado at Boulder. As Editor-in-Chief, she oversees a team of editors, is the lead publisher and editor, and works as a campus corespondent. Outside of Her Campus, Lanaya is a senior at the University of Colorado Boulder. She is double majoring in both Psychology and Spanish with a minor in Sports Media. Her writing career started in high school when she was elected the position of school wide poet laureate after winning a poetry contest in her sophomore year. Now Lanaya’s writing has evolved from creative pieces to profiles and articles for her Her Campus articles. In her personal life, Lanaya is an ACE certified personal trainer and teaches both cycle and barre classes. Fitness is her passion and more often than not she can be found lifting weights, riding a bike, or running. She also enjoys being outdoors, binge watching movies, spending time with friends, thrift shopping, and munching on any white cheddar flavored snack she can find. Lanaya hopes to find a balance between her love for writing and her dreams of working in the fitness industry in her future career.