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Stress-Free Classes To Make College More Enjoyable

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

College can feel overwhelming with all of the demanding courses we take, and sometimes we forget that it’s also meant to be a fun experience. If you’re looking for an enjoyable and rewarding class, whether it’s a break from stressful coursework or just to fill your schedule, here’s a list of engaging courses open to all majors that will give your brain a well-deserved rest.

Music in the Rock Era – MUEL 2852

This was one of the first classes I ever took in college, and it was a great introduction for how enjoyable learning can be. I learned so much about different rock artists and musical styles from this course and the textbook was so fun to read since it featured embedded music clips. The exams are manageable, and the lectures are both informative as well as engaging.

Gods, Mortals, and Monsters: Literature of Ancient Greece – CLAS 1110

If you are a lover of Greek mythology, this class is a must. I am currently taking this class and I’m so glad I decided to take it. It feels more like listening to a captivating story than a typical lecture, making it incredibly enjoyable. From someone that strongly dislikes participating in class discussions, I find myself raising my hand and talking multiple times every class period. 

General Psychology – PSYC 1001

As a psych major, I might be slightly biased, but this class is what made me decide to switch my major to psychology! It’s such an engaging introduction to how the brain works, making complex concepts seem fascinating and simple. If you’re even a little bit curious about psychology, this class will definitely spark your interest and hopefully make you love it!

Appreciation of Music – MUEL 1832

This fully asynchronous course is perfect if you need some flexibility in your schedule. While some online classes can be hard to keep up with, this one is extremely achievable. There are few quizzes to take and they are super fun if you enjoy music. This textbook also includes interactive music clips that make learning all the more engaging. It’s a very low stress class, ideal for a semester packed with difficult courses. 

Intro to Nutrition – IPHY 2420

This is another asynchronous option, and this class consists of weekly quizzes and an end-of-semester project that helps you analyze and improve your eating habits. As long as you watch the online lecture videos, the quizzes are interesting and straightforward. Nutrition is such a crucial part of everyday life, and this class provides valuable, practical knowledge all about it. 

History of Jazz – MUEL 3642

If you want to explore the evolution of jazz and its influential and legendary artists, this class is for you. It features live guest performances where you can sit back and enjoy the music. All of the exams are online, which makes it a stress-free way to earn credits while immersing yourself in jazz tradition. There are also a few assignments, but it gives you great opportunities to explore and analyze a variety of jazz albums.

Disabilities in Contemporary American Society – SLHS 1010

This class was so eye-opening that it made me consider switching my major to speech, language, and hearing sciences. It provides a deep understanding of different disabilities and how they affect people’s lives. While attendance is mandatory, the material is so compelling that this won’t even feel like a chore. Exams are in person, but as long as you put some time into studying, you can easily ace them.

Medical Sociology – SOCY 3052

Of all of the sociology classes I’ve taken, this one was definitely my favorite. The material is fascinating, covering the intersection of medicine and social factors. Attendance is required and exams are in person, but the lecture material is so engaging that you’ll be excited to go to class. Homework is minimal, and I always walked away from lectures having learned so many new things. If you are interested in a class about sociology or medicine and how they work together, this one is the right choice for you.

It is also so incredibly important to explore your options and things that might be interesting to you because you just might find your future career. From someone who sometimes has difficulty attending class, I can assure you that these classes are all so easy and fun to attend. They all offer very enjoyable and enriching experiences without overwhelming you, so definitely consider them next time you’re scheduling your classes!

Noa Marder

CU Boulder '25

Noa is a senior Psychology major at the University of Colorado Boulder. She is a new member of Her Campus and is so excited to write about a range of topics, including mental health, pop culture, and lifestyle. Noa is originally from Denver, Colorado and moved to Boulder for college. She is currently working as a barista at Fen's Cafe on campus and loves making fun and delicious drinks. Outside of school and work, Noa loves traveling, reading, watching movies, and spending time with her family and friends. She traveled abroad to Florence in 2023 and had one of the best experiences of her life learning about the culture and history there. Noa is currently reading the last book in the Bridgerton series, and is excited to begin reading the ACOTAR series! Her favorite book series of all time is Harry Potter, she has read all of the books at least 15 times. Her favorite movie is Coraline and she absolutely loves animation and claymation.