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Taking Advantage Of What Your Campus Has To Offer

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

In my circle, I am notorious for finding all kinds of free gear, food and activities. Trust me when I say that doing so has elevated my college experience. I’ve turned this into a game for myself as I love keeping an eye out for any kind of opportunity for something to do, eat or take home with me. College students are infamous for being broke and somehow still spending way too much money— a stereotype I’m unfortunately living up to. Participating in free events and pop-ups is a great way to get the satisfaction of getting something new or having something different to eat without feeling guilty. Students pay a lot of money for college, so think of this as a way of putting your tuition to good use!

At my school it is almost impossible to miss out on these kinds of opportunities. By following campus social media accounts and keeping up with my email, I’ve been able to find several activities and pop-ups that provide free items. By attending these events, I’ve walked away with free t-shirts, sunglasses, other various accessories, ice cream, and all kinds of food. Stopping by these events between classes is a great way to have a break and distract your mind from stressors. And not to mention, everything is so much cooler when it’s free!

The best pop-ups I’ve found are those that take place around football game days. At CU Boulder, there is typically a Spirit Day on the eve of a game. Here is where I’ve gotten a few CU t-shirts, ice cream, and free meals. These events are always fun because many students will show up for a lunch and social break between classes. These particular spirit days, free with your student ID, always have yard games and tables set out to encourage students to hang out and get in the game day spirit. 

If random free items and food isn’t your jam, there are still plenty of opportunities to take advantage of on campus, like free classes and other activities.. One of my favorites was a free guided paint lesson that’s offered about once a month. This is held by the Center for Student Involvement and is free for any student to register. CSI holds many different events that encourage students to get together with their friends, or make new ones, while doing different kinds of crafts and other pastimes. I’ve personally attended many of their DIY nights including vision board night, pumpkin painting in the fall, custom tumbler making, and more. By attending these free events, I have been able to let loose and forget about school for a while and meet new people. The best part is that you get to be creative and do projects that come at no expense to you. 

There are so many more free opportunities on campus than just the ones I talked about. We all pay a lot of money to attend college, so I absolutely think that taking advantage of opportunities like these is so worth it—I guarantee you’re paying for it somehow. My freshman year self participated in things like this in an attempt to feel a connection with the school that intimidated me so much. I’m so thankful for finding on-campus events because yes, I have saved money on clothes and food, but it also gives me a break from the somewhat mundane routine of school. I encourage you to get out there and  enjoy all the benefits that come along with your tuition.Put it to good use and get everything you can out of it. 

Katie Baxter

CU Boulder '26

Katie Baxter is a contributing writer and member of the social media team for Her Campus at the University of Colorado-Boulder chapter. She is a sophomore studying Strategic Communications and minoring in Business. She loves to keep up with and write about trends, sports, pop culture, and more. She will often write about her own experiences tied in with topics that fascinate her. Katie has always loved to write for fun, but has never gained any professional writing experience. She is looking to gain experience from Her Campus both in her writing and social media talents. Social media is something she has always been interested in, and potentially wants to continue working with it in the future. She loves to stay busy and is always thinking of new articles to pitch! When Katie is not writing or doing school work, you will oftentimes find her spending time with her roommates and friends. She is a Colorado native and loves watching/ playing sports, going to see the newest movie, or finding a new restaurant and places to shop! She is not a big coffee lover, but she absolutely loves chai and is on the hunt to find the best one in all of Boulder.