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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

My mom is a self-proclaimed mogul in the industry of hosting. Whether that be a few friends over or an 80-person party, she can guarantee a good time for everyone. Over the years, she’s taught me some critical hosting skills including seating placement, flower arrangements, and food. According to her, food is the most necessary component of any event. Ensuring everyone has enough to eat is what keeps a party from ending early. Unfortunately, being from California means somebody is always on a diet or has some sort of eating restrictions. My aunt might be vegan this month, but watch out—next week, she’s going keto! Somehow, my mom always manages to cook the right meals. 

Although finding delicious, restriction-forgiving food can be challenging, some of my favorite foods growing up just happened to be vegetarian or gluten-free. There’s one recipe in particular that I’ve continued making into my adult life: my moms gluten-free peanut butter cookies. She came up with this recipe when my little brother’s best friend was diagnosed with celiac disease and didn’t want him to miss out on after-school treats. 

This recipe has caused my roommates to “uncontrollably” eat the entire dozen before I have the chance to try one. So, I must warn you that these cookies might cause an incurable craving. Luckily, the recipe is so simple you can almost always make them with ingredients you already have in your pantry.

Ellen Gibbs / Spoon


1 cup peanut butter (preferably Skippy “Creamy”)

1 cup of sugar (plus ¼ cup for coating)

1 egg


  1. Preheat oven to 350℉
  2. In a medium-sized bowl, mix together the peanut butter, sugar, and egg. 
  3. Lay out some sugar on a plate.
  4. Form one inch balls of batter and roll in sugar until fully coated.
  5. Place balls on a nonstick baking sheet.
  6. Use a fork to create a checkered pattern
  7. Pop cookies into the oven for 10 minutes or until they start to crack.
  8. Let cool and harden.

It’s important to keep an eye on them to hit that special sweet spot between perfect and overcooked. Also, make sure to wait until they fully cool before taking a bite or you’ll have a crumbly cookie. 

This sugary treat is perfect for your gluten-free besties, peanut butter lovers, and cookie connoisseurs. Quick and simple, it’s the perfect sweet treat recipe for whatever you need. Whether it be a massive block party or late-night munchies, this ultimate easy peanut butter cookie has got you covered.

Kate Paxton

CU Boulder '26

Kate Paxton is a writer and member of Her Campus Colorado University Boulder. She writes articles covering a variety of topics like wellness, college life, and films. Previously, she was an editor for her high school's newspaper The Mustang, where she oversaw the comedy section and contributed articles. She is currently a sophomore at CU Boulder, majoring in psychology with a pre-health emphasis. In her free time, she enjoys spending quality time with friends and family, binge watching sitcoms, and therapeutically cleaning her room.