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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

When reflecting on my identity and who I am, I recall my values, my beliefs, the people and places I love, and one that particularly stands out is my sister. 

Growing up, I would always ask my mom to buy me the clothes that my sister had. I would dress the same as her, follow her around the house, and even repeat the exact words she spoke. At the time it was a silly gesture. I copied my sister a lot, but it truly was because I wanted to be just like her. 

And it holds true to this day. My sister has always been my most vital role model. She never gives herself enough credit for her tendency to do everything with perfection. Some will say being a perfectionist is a flaw, but I admire my sister so much for it. Through her perfectionism I see a woman who works insanely hard in everything that she does, because she believes in giving her all, and she is undoubtedly successful in it. 

I also admire my sister’s pure heart. She has an infinite amount of love to give out and she always puts others above her. I once walked into her room when she was away at college, and was astounded by the sight of her corkboard full of notes—notes from her friends, family, coworkers, and me. I couldn’t help but immerse myself in reading these notes, and it made me tear up to see how much of an impact she has made on so many people. The blooming words of appreciation and love from so many other people, all in unison, exhibited how much her kindness meant to them. 

Sisterhood, to me, is more powerful than friendship. Friends are often temporary; they teach us lessons and they help us grow, but a sister is someone who can help shape you as a person while remaining one of the most important people in your life forever. 

The thing that I love most about my sister is who she is. Her personality is so welcoming and warming and knowing her is like reading a favorite childhood storybook, where every page you turn invites you in with familiar warmth and vibrancy. My sister is the least “basic” girl I know; she loves things that are unique and full of character. She has always had such a classy music taste,  elegant movie taste, and a unique and vintage aesthetic to her. It’s hard to explain, but I think anyone else who knows her on a personal level would understand what I mean. I never told her to her face, but I always wished to be as cool as her.

My sister has impacted me on so many different levels, but ultimately she is the person who has shaped me the most into who I am today. Having her by my side as my biggest role model all my life has been amazing. My sister is my rock. I listen to Taylor Swift and Gracie Abrams with her, watch Coraline an unhealthy amount of times with her, laugh with her, go on coffee dates in our hometown with her, go on drives with her, and rant about life with her. My sister is everything to me. Our relationship has only grown stronger as we’ve both gotten older, and now that we are both in college there is a new sense of connection between us. We resonate with each other on a deeper level than in the past, and I have never been so thankful to have a built-in best friend. 

Claudia Coleman

CU Boulder '28

Claudia is a freshman at CU Boulder and a new member here at HCCU! She was inspired to join by her older sister who is the Editor-In-Chief of HCCU! She is a contributing writer for CU Boulder’s chapter of HerCampus, and she is stoked to be a new part of this amazing community. Claudia is majoring in Integrative Physiology. She wants to use HCCU as an opportunity to expand on her writing skills, as she has always had a passion for writing, alongside her older sister, since she was young. Her ambitions are to enroll in a Physical Therapy graduate school after she completes her four years here at CU! Outside of school, you can find Claudia lifting weights at the gym, listening to music, enjoying the outdoors, or spending time with her friends. She will never miss an opportunity to talk about how much she loves working out.