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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Living in a world surrounded by ads, the internet, models and social media, it can be hard to appreciate yourself. Personally, I have struggled with this all of my life. Growing up I would love to get magazines and look at them until I fell asleep. I would cut them up and make collages. As much as I loved that, looking back I realize that that put some not very healthy images in my head of what I thought I should look like. It’s a journey to get a good spot with yourself, but we can all do it. There are little things that you can do every day that remind yourself that you are special and beautiful, even if you don’t look like an Instagram model.

1. Say you are beautiful to yourself in the mirror. I know that this seems a little over the top, but once you do it enough, you will not think anything else. Saying it out loud has more power than you might think.

2. When you’re feeling self-conscious, remove yourself from the situation, and remind yourself of everything that you are not self-conscious of. It’s easy to feel uneasy in certain situations, but reminding yourself of what you are undeniably confident it will get you in the right mindset to conquer anything.

3. Play a pump up song. There’s no way to feel bad about yourself when you’re getting ready to Lizzo or Ariana Grande, it’s a fact.

4. Take time to yourself. It’s the little things! Show your mind and body some love by giving it what it needs, whatever that may be.

5. Take selfies. You look hot, show it off! You might love looking back on them when you’re older.

6. Have a mantra. Decide what you love most and what you aspire to be the most, and say it everyday. Make your mantra your reality.


I hope that this helps you be able to love yourself more completely! Thanks to tumblr and Life Coach Toronto for the cute pics.


Journalism student, LOVES inspirational magazines
Sko Buffs!