After Playboy Magazine declared CU as the top party school in the nation, BroBible wrote a follow up article that ensured CU’s 4/20 event would be hyped. Students arrived at Norlin Quad early as 2 pm to throw out blankets and sprawl across the lawn, saving places for their friends. While a typical college student may expect the gathering to be full of college “pot heads”, the supporters attending 4/20 peace movement are quite eclectic. Guests for the event range across the entire age spectrum from parents with their 3 year olds to hippies who are clearly drifters.
Historically, CU’s 4/20 gathering has exceeded 10,000 attendees for three years, making “CU Boulder’s celebration of the hopeful legalization of marijuana one of the largest such celebrations in the United States” (Wikipedia). While the University does not support or condone the use of Marijuana on 4/20, students and visitors continue to flock year after year to the heart of campus to witness such a site.