Raised in Harlem, New York City, Azealia Banks began releasing music through MySpace in 2008. She then signed to XL Recording at the age of 18, shortly after her debut single “212” went viral. These things set her up for success and the opportunity to become one of the first big female rappers. So what happened? What started off as a huge support system behind Azelia Banks, slowly became just her against the world. Instead of her music, Banks is now best known for her never ending feuds with other celebrities on and off social media. Here’s her top three most outrageous moments:
- Skai JacksonÂ
Yes, the 14 year old Disney star. In Bank’s mind, no one is off limits, regardless of their age. The feud started with Skai Jackson tweeting, “Azealia Banks needs to simmer down a little.” Banks quickly fired back with a tweet saying “and you need to grow some hips and start ur menses. Stay in a child’s place.” But the drama doesn’t end there. Jackson responded with “When a no hip having 14 year old has more class than you. Worry about your career. Get one.” Of course after the internet sae this they all sided with Skai Jackson.
- Brad PittÂ
Banks’ feud against Brad Pitt seems to be one-sided. Randomly, she posted a black screen on her Instagram story with the words “are you ready to die Brad Pitt?” Pitt has never responded to her story. Was Azealia Banks trying to connect to Brad Pitt using a deep physiological question: is anyone truly ready to face death? Or, more likely, was she just simply threatening him?
- Boils Her CatÂ
On another random day, Azealia Banks posted on her Instagram story. She begins with a video of her digging up her cat that had passed away. Strange, but it doesn’t end there. Banks then begins to post a video of that very cat being boiled on her stove. After posting the video, she quickly received tons of backlash to which she responded she wanted the cat’s jaw bones to make earrings. The things some people do in the name of fashion, it’s ridiculous.
Whether or not Azealia Banks’ mission as she rose into the world of celebrities was to be well-known across the country, she certainly has accomplished that. Unfortunately, no one is listening to her music, rather, everyone is watching from the side lines as she chooses which celebrity to feud with next.Â